Monday, November 18, 2019

Harvesting Seedpods

This past week I was able to start the harvest of Brugmansia seedpods.
This is the first picking and we have more to bring in.

Most of these are from our B. Frosty Pink (pink), I believe I counted close to
a dozen.   B. Hunter (White) and B. Jutner Peachy Orange (White) each had a few,
these two are offsprings of B. Shorty's variegated.  The ones in the netting is our
cross and will not be available.

I will post photos of the next batch of seeds later as I checked today 11/18
and all weren't ready.

December 1, 2019  While in watering the plants in the brug house and knowing
we would be colder than normal I decided to harvest the rest of the brugs seedpods
for risk of loosing them was high.  I also kicked up the heater  but one  should be prepared
to loose power during the winter months.  So I watered the plants deeply and tucked them
in for a cold ride.   Yes, I have thermostats and monitor the temp beside having a rainbarrel
inside to help keep the heat in check.

They were starting to yellow some and the only one not formed enough is the
one to the right.  We will see when they dry some to open.  Many of these are pink, yellow
and a variegated cross.  We also harvested 3 seed pods off B. Shorty's variegated, a cross
from B. Charles G.

We do not do doubles or triples here due to the fir needles which make our soil to acidy
and the leaves have blotches.