Saturday, June 20, 2020

ABAD's Color Chart

Someone asked for photos of the
ABAD's Color Chart that I use when
I talk about Brugs.  If you were a member
and want to be taken seriously about
hybridizing and testing, these were
used.  When you look at a computer
color sometimes they are different due
to the light.   So with the chart one can
check the chart and put the color number
on the photo.

From the color chart above the number
is: 255,239, 0

Ludger's Aurea Project

B. la X 2 Yellow

255,239,0  on the ABAD's color chart.

255,230,77 on the ABAD's color chart


255,204,77 on the color chart this am.

As you can see the edge is turning a golden yellow.

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

With The Wind Comes Junk!

Again more wind and the junk falls out of
the neighboring trees to cover the whole
yard.  Yesterday was a full day of cleanup
due to I will not leave this stuff all over the
yard.  Why??  It brings in the ANTS!  After
vacing up amost 7 buckets of this stuff from
the roof to the ground I then treated the whole
yard with ant bait.  This is just the southwest
garden bed side and you sure don't want to
leave this in the veggie garden area.

Yep those are the new LeafGuard gutters that
they say you don't have to climb on the roof,
pure bullshit!!  I even found ants up there due
to the crap sticks in the holes of the gutter.  I
even found a maple seed that sprouted.

As you can see this stuff really takes a
tole on plants,  our cardoon is always full
of it and the poor hostas are really going
down hill on the south bed.

This stuff even blew into the front yard
and as some of you know I just cleaned
this area up after the last wind.   I also
have to clean up around the two
greenhouses before I can let Sable
out to her area.  She gets sap in her paws
and it's heck to get that stuff cleaned up.

This stuff gets so thick it kills plants
so I've do this several times a week
until this stuff stops dropping.  If you
see the photos of the hosta bed, you
will see the difference in the plants.
The south bed used to be lush and
the plants huge, they are slowly dying
even with me cleaning out the area.
We have to put lime out all the time
as the soil is so acidy.  Who cares
we can't enjoy our yard?  They sure
don't, so enjoy the vac sound as I keep
our yard nice.  I have a hard time as
folks want to see the yard and ya know
they see the problems that these trees
create.   It's like do you go out to eat at
a dinner that is dirty?   Same with
gardens, it's not enjoyable to see an
unkept garden.  But again all one
has to do is look at their yards and
know they sure don't get it.

Yes, the gardens are open......but
make an appointment, please!  We
are still dealing with the mess.

Still doing the clean up!  Ya think it's
done and the wind kicks up and trashes
the yard again.

Monday, June 1, 2020


We had another storm come through this
past weekend I had the yard so nice and
clean on Friday but went out today to
again clean up the mess.  I send over 6
hours a day trying to clean up the mess
our neighboring trees drop due to the
way they are kept.

Let's the picture tell the story.  These
are the same trees that were just cut
up some 20 feet after the last branch
came down and it appears the poor
fence took it again.  The branch is
laying on our retaining wall.

Again no one came to tell us.

Yep a good neighbor!!!

I would like to thank our fence folks, our fence
is back to looking nice and straight!!   We highly 
recommend Matt and his company, they are understanding
of the situation we deal with and are willing to help.

We sent the neighbor our estimates and they refused
to pay for the damages, yes it's their trees that continue
to cause problems.  Just look at how they are trimmed
up and are now top heavy.    They site act of nature in their 
refusal to pay.   Again if you don't tell the neighbor about
their tree issues you have no leg to stand on if you take
them to court.  They are responsible!!  We watch more limbs 
headed downward and know these trees should of been
remove long ago.