Friday, November 13, 2020

Keeping Track Of My Time 2020


1 1/2 hours vacing up the grave areas, collection
1 1/2 --5 gallon bucks of fir needles.
1/2 hour vacing up leaves twice a day.

Here is how the areas should look.


3 1/2 hours vacing up leaves-3 times
1/2 vacing up fir needles--1/4 -- 5 gallon bucket.
1/2 hour cleaning up the curb in front of the
house of the leaves that have blown down the 


45 minutes to hand pickup the 
maple leaves -- 2/3 bucket in the rain.


1/ 1/2 hours to blow off both roofs, and 
to blow off the hosta beds, the peony bed
and the over flow bed of the fir needles.
These were blown to the fence line and
will be picked up when we have bin space,
there is enough to fill one and a half bins.

1/2 hours picking up 1 and 1/3 pickle buckets
of maple leaves in the rain.  


20 minutes to vac up a full bag of maple leaves
1 1/2 hours to vac up 2 full pickle buckets of 
fir needles from the east.


The storm has hit and I will have to vac 
up all the leaves from the east that are 
currently blowing into our yard due to
neighbors feel once the leaves drop into
the street it's the County's problem.  
They just don't care where they blow as
long as they don't have to pick them up.
It will be a great day to stay inside and


10 minutes pickup by hand


45 minutes vac up one full bag


15 minutes vac up 1/2 bag, thank goodness
the wind didn't blown them all over the yard.


5 minutes pick up by hand of the north 
leaves 3 hour clean up of the gravel area 
and 5 buckets of fir needles from the east.

1/12 hours pickup of the fir needles from 
the west which added up to 6 buckets.


10 minutes vac up leaves from the north

1 hour pickup the last of the fir needles 
from the over flow garden bed which 
totaled 1--32 gallon garbage can.

10 minutes blowing of debris from 
the curb after mowing.

I now have 2 -- 96 gallon recycle bins
totally full!!  Only half of the bin is our
stuff and I don't have room to finish up
the fall cleanup due to all the neighbors'
stuff.   These bin cost $7.00 each to 
recycle, tell me my neighbors don't cost
us money!

We are also talking about removing 
our north fence panels due to we have 
issues again on the roots coming from
their trees.   They have removed their 
fence so they can have more land.  We 
have already dealt with one of our north
neighbors about their fence coming 
down and we sent off a letter to the 
Homeowner assoc. management company.  
After two calls that were missed I returned
 their call.  Mind you my husband's letter
didn't have our unlisted phone number
so how did they get it??  They didn't leave
a message and when I picked up the 
second call no one spoke after I said 
hello 4 times.  
That conversation was just priceless, 
all she wanted to talk about was the 
leaves we had returned to the neighbor
to the north.  Excuse me, our fence is 
sent into our property 6 inches so legally
we were dumping on our property not 
the neighbors!  They are the ones that
removed their fence and yes they had to 
put up a fence when the house was built!
Also there has not been any leaves dumped
onto what our attorney states is no man's
land for over a week, so one could say this
is harassment.   She only wanted to talk
about the leave issue.  Threatened to take
legal action but the leaves have been bagged
for over a week.  

We are currently awaiting for their letter to
see what we do next.


15 minutes to pick up by hand the 2/3 bucket
of leaves


5 minutes to pick up 109 leaves
45 minutes to pick the southwest garden beds
of the fir trees needles filled 2/3 of a 32 gallons
Cleaned up at the curb, leaves blowing in from 
the other NW 33 Ave. street.  Pick up your leaves!!


45 minutes to vac up the leaves on the north lawn
3/4 bag 

5 minutes to pick up by hand 96 leaves later in the 


Took the day off!!


10 minutes to pick up 146 leaves

15 minutes to clean off the shed roof.


Took the day off!


15 minutes to pickup 209 leaves

20 minutes to finish picking up the fir
needles from the over flow bed,  2 pickle 


5 minutes to pick up 48 then the wind picked
up and the limbs from the west started to pop 
and fly!  Deck is currently covered with needles
and lots of pine came down.  Now it's raining
with winds.  Front sidewalk is covered with needles.
We had limbs clear to the middle fence, over the house
and hit the back windows so you know the winds 
were brisk.

15 minutes to blow off the needles 

20 minutes to pickup 439

5 minutes to pickup 107


10 minutes  to pick up 132 leaves in the cold.

13 minutes  to pickup 197 leaves this afternoon

15 minutes to vac off the deck and back walkway 
of fir needles from the west.  1/4 bag

10 minutes to vac off the path to the greenhouse
both sides and the front area where the bins sit
1/3 bag of fir needles from the east.

I also spent several hours cleaning up the south
front fence line and filled one bin with all the 
trimming and leaves.  

This leaves two bins half full and I still have a
week to go on the cleanup for the winter.  Dec 1
is the deadline for cleanup but again I have spent
most of my fall cleaning up what our neighbors'
trees drop into our yard.  They say act of God, I
say it's an act of neglect as none of our trees dump
into their yards.  Time to plant trees so that they
have to clean up??


20 minutes to vac up the 539 leaves blown into
the yard from the north.

25 minutes to vac up the leaves and blow out the
circle to clean up from the leaves coming from 
the east.  1/2 bag of leaves.


14 minutes to hand pickup 168 leaves.

1 hour and 45 minutes to vac up the east 
gravel areas which ended up to 1 1/3 --
5 gallon pickle bucket of fir needles.

15 minutes to vac up the leaves from NW 33
avenue that blew into the circle and to blow
then back to the top of the circle.  Removed
1/2 bags of leaves.  Then vac the front yard of
the leaves that had blown in since the cleanup.
Rain is coming in so I'll leave the southwest and
west clean up when it dries out again.

12/4 & 5/2020

Taking a break due to allergies.


69 leaves picked up by hand, 6 minutes.


15 minutes to pickup 268 leaves by hand.

1 /12 hours to blow off the roof, shed roof,
eagles nest, and to blow off the garden beds
to the west, the pathway close to the house
on the south side.


Worked from 9 to 11:30 and picked up 
2 buckets from the front and 10 bucks of fir
from the back before running out of room in
the three bins.   Also picked up 314 leaves
from the back.   When the bins are emptied
on Thurs I can finish cleaning up the rest of 
the yard.  Nice to have my yard cleaned, this is 
the fall clean up!!    Two of the bins are filled
with neighbors' stuff that has fallen into the yard.
We currently have 3 bags of leaves from the
north trees.


15 minutes to pickup 338 leaves.


5 minutes to pick up 68 leaves

I started at 8:30 to finish up the fall
cleaning up before the rain hits this
afternoon.  I finished raking the 
overflow bed and picked up another
4 - 5 gallon pickle buckets of fir needles.
That is a grand total since Dec. 1 of 
134 gallons of fir needles since I picked
up in Nov. that is just the west garden beds.   
I still have to cut back the strawberries on 
the south bed but they can be done later
after the holidays.  I then will clean out 
that bed again.  Not done cleaning up 
the paths around the garden beds, they 
are full of fir needles.


Rain day, a good day to stay inside and
take care of the allergies.  Yes, I'm allergic
to fir!!


131 leaves picked up in 8 minutes.  They are
still coming down out of the trees.  I have been 
picking up since mid Aug.


Rain Day!!  

8 minutes to walk the north yard and pick up
89 leaves.


Rain and Doctor's Orders to rest, no pickup


Rain and another day of rest, no pickup.


It took me 4 trips out to get the 106 leaves
picked up with the total of the trips at 11 minutes.

Sorry Doc, I had to get out and pickup!


Three trips out to pickup 63 leaves 8 minutes 


10 minutes to pickup 116 leaves in the north
back yard.

13 minutes to pickup 360 leaves blow in 
down the land from the east, front yard.


Storm day, good day to take off and rest.


10 minutes to pickup 101 leaves from the
north,  taking the rest of the day off.

12 minutes to pickup 167 leaves from the east
out front

We also dumped 3 huge lawn bags into our
yard waste bin that were moldy instead of
returning them to the north.  Bin 3/4 full.


67 leaves picked up from the font yard, 
8 minutes

389 leaves picked up from the back yard
on 4 different trips.  2 - 10 minutes, 2- 9 minutes

Strong winds and rain.  Limbs blew over the house! 


263 leaves picked up before I mowed.  
Shouldn't have done it but if we get freezing
weather it needed to be done sooner that later.
I'll pay for it tonight!

12/24/ & 25 /2020

Picked up 7 leaves on Christmas day!


Picked up 136 leaves from the north trees
that flew up over the house to the front 
yard and took me 15 minutes.  We must
of had wind over night, found several
limbs also. 


Taking the day off!   Well that lasted about
an hour!    Sorry doc,  I spent around 20 min
blowing off the fir needles, tossing down the 
limbs, another 10 minutes to blow off the fir
needles on the hosta bed, circle bed and path
then 8 minutes to blow off the deck and 5
minutes to blow off the west path.  That was
about all I could handle.  Prior to lunch
I had to blow off the fir on the Christmas
palm and vac up the path to the greenhouses 
and two paths in the gravel where Sable goes
to to do her business.  Now the Allergies are
acting up, time to rest!!


Picked up 63 leaves, 8 minutes.  Was ordered
to take the next few days off and let the hands


Days of rest!


Day of rest, not!    5 minutes to pick up 48
leaves from the north.

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