Friday, October 29, 2021

More Health Issues!!


 It seems Life is taking another tole!  I
did great getting the plants put away for
the winter months and other than a slight
pull in the back all went well.  Then the 
storms hit!!  

I deal with leg cramps when I over do it 
when it comes to cleanup of the yard!
Three weeks ago I had cramps so bad
when I got out of bed to take Sable out
I dropped to the floor.   This is the second
time this has happened, the last time it
took my back out and we found out other
issues with the hands.  Hence the first hand
surgery and a second one was to be done
this fall after the plants were put away.

Well my appt. was canceled this past week
and I won't get to see the specialist until
the end of Dec.  Again it was canceled and 
now it's set for the 11th of Jan.

Back to the leg cramps, which if you 
don't get them you are really missing 
out on the painful moments.  They 
will wake you out of a deep sleep 
to the point you have to stand and 
walk to see if you can get it to stop 
hurting. Being an x runner I can tell 
you the night cramps are worse than 
a running cramp.   All the muscle 
relaxers and bio freeze will help 
slowly but it's really painful.   Hence 
the limp and moving slow for a 
few days afterwards.  

But this time it was totally different!!   
The swelling and pain just wouldn't
stop.  Then there was this lump in 
the back of the knee!!  I made an appt.
with my doctor as I couldn't wait until 
Dec. for my yearly checkup.   She knows 
me well and for me to come in, it must
really hurt.   So off to xray, then to 
ultrasound at the other clinic.  Xray 
showed water on the knee, so I know 
the doc said this is one issue that will
have to be drained.
But she was concerned that I might 
have a blood clot or what she stated 
was a 'Baker's Cyst.'    Now I know 
those show up in folks under 50 but 
we all know I haven't seen 50 in
sometime!   But again I'm extremely 
active and just don't sit down much.

I get home from the ultra sound and 
find a message to make an appointment 
with the specialist as soon as I can.  
Which one??    The tech stated that no 
blood clot was found and she kept 
apologizing when she knew it was painful.  
I get home to another message, no blood
clot but yes, a 'Baker's cyst' was found.    
Now I know why the knee wasn't bending 
right and causing me to fall down on the
 back side and no balance.  One good issue 
out of this it was forcing my upper body 
strength to kick in when I have to pull 
myself upward!!

So life is going to be a little slower as 
I don't want to put the brace back on 
or use the crutches,  they will totally 
take the back out again.   

Time to see an orthopedic specialist!! 

Life is just so much fun!!!  
Thank goodness the gardens are
'closed!!'  Yes, again with this
last storm the yard is a total mess
and I have never seen so much 
pine needles ever and more 
leaves than ever!!   We have 
taken 20 bags of pine and leaves
mixed off the yard with 7 bags of
just pine needles from just the north
and east side.  The south and west 
sides will have to wait.

Saw the orthopedic specialist
and now awaiting for the MRI 
appointment.  Just taking it slow 
and resting.  Will only do the 
cleanup if  I can and weather 
permits.  Thank you Toro!! 


MRI was done today, now we
wait for the doctor's comments.

Got the MRI report, now we wait 
for the doctor to get ahold of me
not good news at all!!


Appt. with the doctor.  Went in on
crutches and still in pain.   I was 
fitted with a brace and now we 
await for the referral to see a 
specialist as to have surgery.

I was told in the future I will end
up needing a knee replacement.

The MRI report states a complex 
medial meniscal tear with a radial 
component noted adjacent to the
posterior meniscal root.  There is
medial meniscal extrusion.  Moderate
Chondromalacia within the medial and
patellofemoral compartments is seen.
This is consistent with osteoarthritis.
Moderate volume suprapatellar joint
effusion and a small popliteal cyst is

(There is more to the story but it will
come out later.)



Got in to see the knee specialist 
on Monday early!  We now have
a game plan on what needs to be 
done.   I will be going to sports
med to have a popliteal cyst 
aspiration/intraaticular steriod 
injection but that appointment 
isn't until the 19th of Jan.  I had
them put me on the wait list if there
is an early cancelation.

If the pain still is a problem than 
arthroscopic intervention will be 
the next step.

Thank goodness I have good knee


Here are the knee braces I have used for the past
3 months and still a lot of pain.

The above was recommended to me
and when they arrived I was able to
get some relief!   I was able to get
the yard cleaned up with these on!

Still limping!!   

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