Sunday, August 25, 2024

Here We Go Again!

 A few years ago we had issues with
the neighbor to the north and noted 
that the neighbor to the east was involved.
Needless to say they are now gone!  
You just can't fix stupidity!  But yet
this north neighbor called the Sheriff
and their homeowners assn. on me.
Their treats were bogus and they know
it!  Wouldn't stand up in the courts!
He was told never to show up at our
door again!

Well yesterday guess what??   He blew
past our no trespassing sign and rang 
the door bell.  We have a sign by the 
door not to ring the door bell as it sets
the dog off.  My DH asked me if I knew
the man and I stated loudly NO!  He has
no business here!  I knew who he was and
grabbed the dog who was going nuts as 
someone was in their space and she didn't
like him.  Needless to say I was ready to
call the Sheriff on him!

You see we deal with our neighbors in 
letter form, only!  They have no business
being at our door.

Well according to DH, they too are thinking
of removing some of their trees.  Mind you
these are the folks that neglect stuff and has
a couple trees fall on their house.  What can
you say when they have more trees than their
lot can afford, plus the fire pit that burns all
the time?  Yep you are killing your own trees.

According to DH they will be doing so in Oct.
and want to come into our yard.  HELL NO!!
We have dealt with tree trimmers that came in
and kicked plants and didn't clean up at all, not
once but now twice!  We are still dealing with 
the last one on the damages here!  If you want 
to read about these, the posts are here on the 

Got to go finish cleaning up the last tree removal
as we have to take down the carport today to
get the last of it up.

While cleaning up the mess, DH said he
got the name of the tree service and would 
give it to me later. He said they wanted to 
put plywood down on our side of the fence. 
The look on my face must of been priceless!  
I asked how many tree are they taking out? 
He said he didn't get a number out of him 
and I told him, he was fishing!
I asked if DH remembered what the neighbor 
said the last time he showed up at the door?  
Nope and I told him from now on, anyone
comes to the door they are told, go away! 
If this neighbor show up again I will call 
the Sheriff on him and we will be getting 
a restraining order on him because he was
told the last time never show up at our 
door again! He is such a liar and the issue 
he has caused in the past was enough to 
get a restraining order on him!

Yes, this is the neighbor that has the firepit
that burns all the time, the same neighbor 
that has the trees that drop leaves we pick 
up yearly and last year was 28 bags! Never 
offered to pay for the removal or my time! 
Same neighbor that the trees fell on their house!
The one that I have posted photos of the dead
branches that trash our north fence line. They 
also removed their fence to gain property to
our fence.  Excuse me it was ruled that all
property to the north have some sort of fence
up!  I will add nothing from our yard goes
over their fence.  Previous owners have 
allowed us to put the leaves between the 
fence in what the County calls no man's
land.  But this guy removed his fence and
doesn't want his leaves returned, hence he
called the Sheriff and homeowner's assn.
So why isn't they being told to put up their
fence?  Their tree roots have pulled up our
PVC fence numerous times.  To the point too
that the roots are killing our Rose of Sharons,
which were all planted at the same time.  They
range from 1 foot to over 6 foot. The 1 footer
is up under one of the huge Maple trees.  They
don't water their trees so the roots come here
as we water our gardens.   

The trees lean like you wouldn't believe and 
hang over our yard.   All DH said was he said 
the large Maple, which one?  DH said he didn't
know and again I said he was fishing.  DH said 
I get to write them a letter!  The letter has been

Why do my neighbors feel they can trash adjacent
neighbor's yards?

When Pa's Tree Service did the west neighbors'
trees, we allow them to come in the yard to clean
up and let me tell you it was a joke!  They were
seen kicking plants, not picking up and left pine
chip, not a one was picked up.  We do not mulch
with pine chips from neighbors' trees!  We know
that is what brings in the ants.

Earlier this month a second neighbor hired SavaTree
tree service and let me tell you they were just as 
bad!  Only I refused to allow them in the yard due to
what we saw.  We were told they would use ropes and 
lower the limbs.  Well guess someone lied!   I went out
the first day and there were limbs bigger than me and
no way could I lift it over the 6 foot fence.  The last thing
I told the man was, up under that carport is a classic car
and nothing should hit it!  I was told just a few small
branches and pine cones to pick up.

They paid for the carport but nothing else.  I ended up
cutting the Heavenly Bamboo to the ground as there was
so much that came down and pushed them forward and
smashed them.  Every day they came in, our yard was 
clean and they just trashed it.  They even watched me
clean the roofs and what came down.  They didn't even
clean up the circle we live on and left the neighbors yard
full of pine cones, didn't clean up one bit.

Now you know why I won't allow Tree Services to enter
our yard, they don't clean up at all.  I just love when they 
state that they also do landscaping.

So now we wait to hear what the neighbors are going to do
to the north of us.  I cleaned up the yard weekly due to their
trees drop junk all the time!  I don't think they are going to 
put plywood all over our yard / .31 acres.   

Let me tell you the small lot they live on has
more trees than any lot in that subdivision! 

Yep my neighbors are a trip!  I have lost count
of how many times the Sheriff has been called
on me by them.  Let's just say the last Officer
that showed up left with an ear full and then I
turned him in for the BS reason he came out 
for in what he stated was a courtesy call.  Yea
right, I will not be bullied!!  I'm sure the file on
me at the County level is full of their BS!  I'm 
very vocal and they taught me well what I can
or can't say as they put their folks in place!  You
can read about my dear neighbors here.  One
Judge told some of our neighbors, "Leave these
folks alone!" Yes, we will take you to court! 
Ask some of the neighbors that have moved
away after they pulled their BS!  The drug 
dealers, the folks that sold stolen goods, 
the folks that stole your gas or other goods
and more!

Yes, the cameras on our home work!

Got a letter from the neighbor to the north
and again he is saying something different
from what he told my husband.  

According to the law the trees are on their
property and we don't have to allow them 
on ours!  The gull of these folks, they want
us to give them full release of liability.  That
isn't going to happen nor are their Tree folks
going to have access to our property!

He stated work would be done on one maple
tree but his letter states 4 now.  He also stated
the work would be done in Oct. now it states
the work would be done Sept. 24 and 25th.
They want to put down plywood in our yard,
that isn't going to happen as they are not going
to have access!  

Yep he said one thing and when asked to have 
it in writing the story changes.  What is that
golden rule?  Time to write another letter.

They should be getting the letter and by the
way a copy went to their tree service.  I just
don't trust this guy!

Again no access to our yard!  It will be clean
and it better stay that way.

It's time to go to court!

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