Tuesday, August 13, 2024

What A Day/Week!!

 Information and photos will be posted
soon!   I need to cool down some!

On Sunday while watering the neighbor
to the east walked to the end of our
driveway and said, "We are having the
trees remove on the 12th and 13th."
I looked at him and said, "thank you!'
That would be Monday and Tuesday, 
less than 24 hour notice!  

Monday is DH flex day and so he was
home.  I asked about the classic carport
as the neighbor's move their carport in 
their back yard and remove the chain link
on the west side.  DH had other plans for
his day off and all he would say is they 
better be careful.  I reminded him of the 
neighbor to the west, the mess I had to 
deal with after they removed their trees.
I also reminded him of how they cleaned
up the yard and kicked the plants.
All he would said is he hoped they hire
better tree folks.   

Well he didn't get his wish!!

I was out watering when they arrived.
I was not a happy camper at that time
8:00 am on Tuesday morning!  My time
to have some peace and do some yard
work.  I finished the watering out back
and turned around to find a worker waiting
for me to come back to the front yard.

He told me they would be roping all the 
branches and I would have very little things
dropping in our yard, they have no control 
of the pine cones.  I looked at him and told 
him that there was a classic car up under
the carport and they better be careful.  He 
then told me they would clean up afterwards
in our yard.  NOPE, was my words!  I have
dealt with other tree trimmers and no one 
has permission to enter our yard to clean up
due to what I grow.   I told him we have had
damage from these trees in the past and
thanked him as we knew all about the trees.
You see we have had an arborist out and 
was advised to be careful and knew what
could happen.  

The previous owners of the house cut clear
up on the east side and did nothing on our
side.  If we wanted to trim, we couldn't and 
we had limbs over the top of our shed.  DH 
has taken several limbs off the shed before
they moved.  After the bad storm and the limbs
coming down and taking out the greenhouse 
and fence they had a cheap tree trimmer come
out for the appearance they did something.  
That company butchered the trees even more.
The house was sold and we informed the new 
owners by a letter of the issues.  The next winter
was bad and I continued to clean up the messes
that were weekly, sometimes more.  I had
parts from the portable greenhouse that was
put in the west garden bed for shade.  I put up 
a partial setting to cover the greenhouse and 
store the potted clematis over last winter to 
protect them.  I held my breath all winter!
The plastic and frame are still up due to all
the sap coming out of the trees.  I have to 
order new plastic this fall as it's totally covered
in little dots of sap.   Sure saves the greenhouse!!

When the crew took lunch break I ventured out
to check on the mess.  Let's just say they 
weren't as careful as they said they would be 
and the carport needs to be replaced due to 
damage we found.



Poor Heavenly Bamboo took a beating with all
the limbs dropped.

So I grabbed the rake, opened the
fence and raked the mess to the 
driveway!  I  noticed that they 
has some gal out there and they were
out by the truck across the circle.
NO one came to the door to tell us
of the damages! 

Mind you this is all caught on the
cameras that we have on the house.

It took me 2 hours of work to clean up 
this area and this is what it's like this am
when they arrived to work.

This is a national tree service.   When DH got
home after a day of work he was not a happy 
camper!   He had gotten the photos of some of
the damages!  Photos of the mess and when he
saw me he knew I had a ruff day!  I pulled up 
the camera footage and he saw it.  He asked 
if someone came to the door and I told him 

So we both got on the computer to find out
whom we needed to contact.  Boy were we 
shocked at what we found.  Nationally know
company and DH was ready to go to BBB 
on this mess.  Their out of Portland but list 
their address here in Vancouver as the Portland
address with a 360 area code to appears
they are local for the area.   Their information 
is not what we had happen to our yard and 
the mess that was left in the neighbor's yard 
over night.  What was left on our driveway 
was raked to the neighbors yard and the bucket 
that I picked up was then put on the mess.
There is no way we can get to the mess between 
the carport and fence until the car is removed!!

When I went to bed early, DH was still on the 
computer scratching his head at what he was 
reading.  I looked at him and he said he would
handle it.  He had ordered a new cover for the 
carport as he knew he couldn't wait for them 
to cover the damages.   He left this am with a 
letter in hand.  What ya bet it was only the carport
he requested for damages??   Not the damage 
to the Bamboo??  Or what mess I had to take care

Don't get me wrong, we are glad to see 
these trees gone but what we have to deal 
with to get this done isn't right either.  
Is it fair to trash your neighbor's yard
and have to deal with the mess? Tree 
folks are the worst.  We laugh when 
we read how they state they care!  

Folks that have forest trees in their 
yards don't care what their neighbors 
have to deal with.  Let alone when 
they are huge what it's like to remove.
These trees needed to be removed 
before they do damage and nothing 
will grow up under them. Let alone 
what their roots do to adjacent properties.


The chainsaw is going so I will have
to check out that mess later.  They
didn't even offer to tarp the area 
in question to protect our property!   

I went out at lunch break and one
truck was gone, the guys were sitting
in the shade having lunch. Only found
a few branches on the ground but more
between the fence and carport.  A
much better job for just a couple
trees. But the male cones are all
over the place.  The regular pine
cones were clear over the shed.
I then went out and watered as 
the trees were drooping, I didn't
get a chance to get out earlier as
I had chores and got my check up
phone call.  I was told to take the 
day off after over doing it yesterday.
I'm still in the recovery period after
surgery!  I was in the front yard and 
heard video taping??   Yes, did you
miss the cameras on the house??
We didn't hide them and yes we have
video of what went on.  Even me tossing
the wood chips when I cleaned up 
the roadway.  They left chunks of
wood in the roadway.  Can't wait to 
see how they leave everything today. 

The Irony of this all is several of 
their workers commented on how 
nice our property looked.  Yep 
they take good care!!

Let's just say if I ran my business
this way I sure wouldn't have any
customers!  I'm sure glad we didn't
open the gardens back up after the 
heat!   Wood chips all over the 
plants, so I try to clean them off
by over head watering.

Evening--- I was right on the carport damage.
He decided to call them this morning from 
work and the gal was to call him back but 
didn't.  I know she was out here talking to
them as I heard a female voice while cleaning
up.  Again no one came to the door today!
She told DH that they would pay for the
replacement.  I'm not holding my breath!
Just like I would only have pine cones in
the yard, right.  Today I had pine chips
all over the place, across the roof all the
way into the front yard by the door.  The 
driveway was covered and again the 
street was littered with wood chunks
that they just left.  They will come back
in the morning to a clean circle as I blew 
the stuff to the curb.  Some folks take 
care of their property and don't want to
live in a pig pen!

Today they did the last four trees to the
north in stripping the branches.  I got to 
watch the top of one of the trees come
down with a swish and watched branches
fly, just priceless!!  

I was in the kitchen and ran to grab
the phone.

Today they trashed behind the carport 
and more branches between the carport
and the fence.

Plus left this mess at the curb, mind you
they had the chipper here and just didn't
get it all picked up.

Yep in the roadway!

I had to wash down plant and the driveway
this evening.

Can't wait for tomorrow when the trunks
come down.   I'm betting on the cut and
drop route of getting it down.


Day 3 of the removal!

Ya all know how clean we keep our 
property and know when it comes to
tree removal when it's fall is the proper
time to remove.  You don't want to do
it during the growing season!  But what
can one day.  All you have to do is watch
the poor guys that have to come out in the
heat to work.  

Due to the rain coming this weekend I'll
be out and vac up what I can as I'm sure
I'll have a mess after seeing what they
did yesterday!  

No respect for the neighborhood!

The chipper is going and the first 
section just hit the ground.  I sure
hope the folks that hired these folks
are up!   Let the booming begin!
Yep cut and drop!  I'm home with the
Sable and she is shaking like no 
tomorrow.  I even took her out so 
she could see what was going on.

We came back in just in time for the
FedEx delivery.  The poor man had to
trek up our driveway in the snowing 
pine chips as they didn't stop when the
truck pulled in.  I just told him I was so
sorry for this mess.  Yes the whole area
is covered in chips!   

I even had to go out and pull the top of
the brug house cover over the back end.

Do you believe in Karma?   They are 
dropping the 10 foot cuts to the ground
right over their drain field and septic tank
area!!  Can you feel the earthquake from

Read the August Clean Up post for
what I had to do.  Photos there.


So sorry I had you go to the other post
as I was so tired last night!  Why?

I cleaned all three roofs, plus gutters,
the deck, sidewalks. Sable's gravel 
area, behind the classic carport & 
gravel DH parking sport.  The car
will have to come out to clean what
is between the carport and the fence
and brug house. 
While on the house roof I gently
blew off the Brugmansia below, as
they too were cover with pine chips.
I was so tired I blew off the driveway
and cleaned the circle as the tree trimmer
didn't clean up!
Back up the driveway and again watered 
down the plants to remove more pine chips.
Then washed down the driveway to get the
pine chips that were missed.  Watered the 
plants and then sprayed water up on the 
roof to get what was missed.  What a mess!!

The tree trimmers were here by 8:15 when I
was out trying to water.   The last tree went 
down around 12:20 pm so I was out by 
12:15 pm getting the ladders out.  Sorry Dr
I was up the ladders yesterday, the first time
putting weight on the new knee.  Off the roofs
in less than 45 minutes while the crew watched
me clean.  While up there I got some photos.
Then I started to vac up the mess.  9 totally
full bags were collected!  I finished by 3:20pm
and cleaned up before finishing the wash down.
More will be collected when the classic car 
comes out from the carport.  While on the 
shed roof I noticed another hole in 
the carport roof.  I couldn't reach it to tape it so
DH had to do so when he got home as they say
rain over the weekend.  Doesn't give us any time
to clean up and put the new cover on the carport.

Let's just say I'm moving slow this morning.

DH has to call the company this am to let them
know the price of the carport.   I will have to 
cut back all the Heavenly Bamboo as they are
pushed forward to the point they can't be saved.
I had other plant damage!  We will see how the
Brugmansia fair as they are in bud! 

Every day the Tree Company came in to see our
yard cleaned from what they did the prior day.
As we keep our yard clean!   The cleaner your
yard the less critters and mess you will have to
deal with.  It also brings in the birds, dragon
flies, and butterflies.    I did miss some of the
blooms as I was able to get out and deadhead 
them last night.

I'm sure the BBB would love to hear from us!!

Anyone want to bet how long it will take 
to remove the trunks off their yard?


We spent our morning cutting back the Heavenly
Bamboo that were trashed the first day of the tree
removal.  It was so nice to get my white PVC fence

After I got this done it was time to take Sable
out to her area!  She just keep looking around
and when she got done potting, she came to me
with a huge smile!  More area for her to roam!!
She is on happy camper to have her area back!

We are enjoying the light that comes through the
kitchen window.  It's brighten up the kitchen! 

I have ruined 3 shirts, a pair or pants and a 
pair of shoes due to all the sap!


We got the classic out and started the cleanup
where we found over 12 inches of pine needles,
cones, limbs and male cones on the east side.
With 8 inches in places on the west side, the 
front half I vac out regularly so that wasn't
as bad as the shed area.  We still need to move
the ladders and clean behind the carport.  That
will wait a week to allow the allergies to calm
down and I get over my bloody nose.  We removed
45 gallons of pine stuff.   Both bins are full and
I still have 40 gallons for the pick up in 3 weeks.
So I have ordered another bin just to get all our
yard debris.  I haven't been able to get all our
stuff out due to the trees around us, it's been like
this for years.  Hopefully I can get caught up with
the third yard debris bin.  No one offered to pay
us for any of the debris we have had to take off
our yard from their trees!

I was able to clean our fence to the back end of 
the carport.  I am in hopes to get it all cleaned
this fall as it's really dirty up under the trees. 
It is so nice to have a clean fence!   I do it once
a year along with the rain barrels.

Today was the day to finish up and put the classic
car back into her new home!   While the last of the
carport was being put up I was able to remove the
sap pitted cover on the greenhouse.  I got the last
of the cover roll I found I only had half of what 
was needed.  So I order a piece to fit the greenhouse.
I took the shop brush to the outside of the greenhouse
to clean it, the sap that was dried won't come off.  The
cover was covered with sap so there was no way I
could leave in on.  DH asked if I got a big enough
piece of Vis queen to put a couple more hoops up.
He wants to be able to go up under the hoops so that
we are out of the rain when we take the dog out.  We 
well see what I can arrange. 


The frame is up and ready for our delivery to cover.

I then moved the top of the brug house to straighten
it as it got moved when the tarp was up on the carport.
Well that is a mess!  So in Sept. I'll have to order 
another roll.  There is no way to clean this stuff.  
It should of been replaced as I just put it up last fall.  
I will have to see what I can find to clean this
to get the tape to stick.  

Once this is done it's time to start moving the
plants into their winter home.  The jungle will
be gone soon!

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