Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Glorious Rain!!

 Got up this morning to rain, 
which we need.  Finally a day
of rest and relaxing!  It's been
a long summer.  Still working
on calming the hamstring down.
I noticed while working yesterday
it started to act up again.  So back
to work a while then rest.  They 
say it may take a year for it to 
calm down.  But the way our
lives have been going it may 
take longer.  I swear by Bio

Well that was short lived, I 
worked to noon and then got
a call from my sister.  Then 
this afternoon I was able to 
slide into town and get my 
flu and covid shots.  I was
advised to get them sooner
than later so before surgery
was okay to do now!  So glad
I asked the team!

Love to garden in the rain!

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