Tuesday, October 14, 2014

B. Sanguinea 'Karma' Seedpod

Some of you were waiting for seeds off our crossing of the above this past spring.  So sorry to say this past weekend the seedpod was found laying on the ground and didn't get any bigger since moving her to the Brug House.  When we opened it we found this:

As you can see the seeds didn't form.  What we are going to do is plant these and see what happens.
This cross was our B. Sanguinea 'Karma' X Datmansia so we think it's best we just plant them here.

We are currently keeping our toes cross for a couple more crosses we have just done prior to moving some to the Brug house.

B. Frosty Pink X B. Wild Thing

TNN's solid sport off the Reverse Variegated X B. Wild Thing

Let us know if you are interested in testing either of these seedpods.

We also took from TNN's reverse Variegated another solid sport this fall and keeping our toes crossed that she will root and grow as the other sport has.   The first one has made an awesome plant.
When we removed this last sport we were forced to cut the mom plant back to the white sport due
to the trunk was stating to decay.  Here is what we have today.

I am wanting to see this sport bloom and see if we can get seeds, I know sports are tricky and not worth some folks time, but I have time!!
This sport attracted a lot of attention when folks were here to tour.  Most folks just don't understand why variegation come from and the fact that folks need to test them.  This spot is just breath taking to see her grow and do what she does.  She was up under the solid sport so she had shade and grew like crazy.  Now that she is in the brug house we are seeing more leaves grow.  This one is the one we will allow the leaves to grow and we strip all the others once a month during the fall and winter months so they don't take over and there is a bug issue.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Epiphyllum / Orchid Cactus

As some of you know one of my passions is my hanging baskets of Eppies.  This year I found on Craigslist a man that had hanging baskets and pots, the price was reasonable so we went on an adventure to check out what he had.  It was a chance to get all my pots to match!!  Replace the ones that well it was a hazard to stand up under according to my husband.

Once you get your first Eppie to bloom you will be hooked on them. Very easy to care for and they will reward you with some awesome blooms.

Doesn't this look nice, matching pots all around.  Thank You Rod!!

When I talked to my sister yesterday I told here I would put up more photos of our cactus for her to take a look at, so here is more photos for you to enjoy.

E. Cereus

As the blooms fade then either drop or produce seedpods.

leaves shapes on one plant may also vary from long and round to really thin.
Partial shade or bright indirect light for best growing conditions in zones 8-9 and 14-24.  Considered a tropical not a desert cactus.  Plant needs rich, quick draining soil with sand.  Let cutting base of cactus dry for a day or two before planting.  Do not over water!!  To over winter these, they need to be in a frost protected area.  To fertilize these use a low-nitrogen fertilizer before and after blooming.  Hope this helps.

We were surprised this past week when we found a couple more late buds on some of our eppies, it's really late in the season for them to set buds and bloom.
E. Cereus

Thursday, July 17, 2014

First Brugmansia Blooms of This Season.

TNN's Reverse Variegated Sport.

The first bloomer to open is on the TNN's Solid Sport of which we currently have three of this plant.  The leaves are a solid color unlike the mother plant that is reverse variegated.

Here are the photos of her last night fully open:

You could smell her this am when one opened up the door, so sweet.

B. 'Karma' starting to show her colors of yellow and orange.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Front Yard July 12, 2014

Come walk in my front yard, starting off with the Brugmansia starting to bud along the driveway

Two shots of Terra Nova's sport off TNN's reverse variegated.  They should open later in the week.

South side of the driveway.

Inside the front fence at the curb.

Looking into the front yard from the driveway.

North side of the driveway.

East side of the side parking area.

Memorial garden located in the center of the front yard.

Lilies area just south of the dogwood.

Rose 'Love Potion'

Front of the house where we had to move the Brugmansias this year due to the neighbor's fire pit.  They are loving the move and will greet the many visitors.

Our lovely hanging baskets this year.

Two of the callalilies.

 Just removed a couple Clematis due to they were all bloomed out and I didn't want them to reseed, they will return and bloom in the fall.

 Brugmansia 'Karma' in bud.

The new Brugmansia spot.

South Brugmansia spot where they get morning sun and afternoon shade.

More photos later.