Thursday, October 10, 2024

There Will Be A Change To My Blog.

Time for a change here! 

After being here for the past
11 years it was time to cut back
on the posts to what most folks
are looking for.


Friday, December 8, 2023


 Imagine there's no Heaven

It's easy if you try
No Hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people
Living for today
Ah, ah, ah-ah
Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion, too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace
Yoo-hoo, ooh-ooh
You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one
Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world
Yoo-hoo, ooh-ooh
You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will live as one

RIP  John, on your anniversary 
of your death.

Saturday, October 1, 2022

Abutilon / Flowering Maple / Parlor Maple

  Abutilon are free-flowering plants with leaves
 like maple trees and colorful flowers that have
 the look of crepe paper.  Malvaceae / mallow 

I have been asked about our collection several
times  Last year we had well over 2 dozen varieties
but this year we had to cut back due to my knee
surgery.  I also put the largest ones in the Brug
house after running out of room inside.  With the
cooler temp most did not survive.  The greenhouse
was warmer but there was no room!

So we are now starting over with that was left.
Here are some photos taken this year of what
we have.

Saturday, February 26, 2022

Lets Talk Clivia


I have been ask for information on Clivias
and just received this from another grower 
which I think it is good advice.

I recently was on a quest to find the best way
to clean the water spots off the leaves.  Last
year I put them in the brug house with the
eppies over the top of them, so when I would
water the eppies they would drip and water
the Clivias.  Some folks recommend the 
cleaning of leaves monthly.  What I found
that works best if equal amounts of Lemon
juice and water.  Some of the ones that 
haven't been cleaned a while the water
spots need another rubbing.

Friday, February 26, 2021

Our Home Is NOT For Sale!!

 I don't know about you but I'm so 
sick of the postal cards and letters
from Real Estate folks wanting to 
buy our home due to they have a
client that wants the house.  


We used to have them stop by 
and have found out that one neighbor
was sending them!  But ya know we
have never gotten a real offer, no money
has ever been offered.  Don't waste
our time!!  If there isn't a sign out 
front then it's not for sale.

Let us save you time and effort.

Our asking price is well over $500,000
as the County has stated our lot 
can hold 3 houses!

Again yesterday (3/25/2021)  we
received a card asking to buy our home!
Love the photo that was taken some 8 to 10 
years ago and it was taken a block away.
It was shredded right away after reading it.
NO amount, old photo and no I'm not calling
the number.  Why??  To me it's a scam and
worthless!!  Some lazy ass real estate person
that doesn't get it??  If there isn't a sign at
the curb, again it's not for sale!!

Well our house price just went up to $750,000
You can thank Jessica for that.  Again we
get this postal card, please call or text me!!
Sorry it not going to happen!!  No business
name or even an offer.  What a waste of time!

Thursday, September 24, 2020

Rain!!! #LeafGuard Gutters

 With yesterday's rain one can sit back
and enjoy Mother's Natures watering 
of the plants but it would of been nice 
seeing it spread out a little the last few
months.  Sure helps with the fires and
the smoke in the air!!  It felt so good
to be out in the garden while it was 
raining.  The best time to garden!!

But again I watched the rain fall from
the gutters and drips all over the place.
They are just so worthless it's not funny.
So if you are looking for gutters, do not
buy the rhetoric that their commercial 
are trying to sell you.  You still have to
climb that ladder to clean off your roof
and the top of their gutters where the debris
will stay.  Then you have the holes in the 
corners that it goes into.  Their commercials
show it sliding over the top and just the
water going inside, pure BS!!  Why then
do they sell you catch traps??  They know 
that the debris goes in and they will clog.
While up on the roof cleaning this past week
I had to hand pull out each hole to clean them
out.  While up there I watched hornets flying
in and out of the gutters, beside pulling 
branches that got stuck in them.

My husband had cleaned out the traps right 
before I cleaned the roof and when the rain
hit I was out working in the yard and heard
water running.  It took me a while to find it
and it was coming from one of the traps.
Yep, it was again full and had to be cleaned
out so that the water could flow into the 
rain barrel. 

I then checked on the spots that 
had been issues in the past and 
sure enough there was leaks all 
over the place!  #Leaf Guard 
gutters are just a piece of junk!!   
We never had an issue with the 
old fascia gutters we had on

I also cleaned out the rain barrels for the fall
time and I was shocked to see how dirty the 
inside of the barrels were.  Mind you, we 
haven't had much rain this summer and they
looked like they had if I skipped cleaning.
Our barrels are cleaned out twice a year.
Lots of fir junk and the tops of the barrels 
get covered not only with junk but this 
year we are really fighting the sap!  It's how
these trees were left go and cut back to the 
point they are really bad.    When we had
our fence fixed the poor guys had to deal
with the worst sap they had ever dealt with.
You can see the sap running out of the areas
where they were cut.

If you haven't heard about our 
Leaf Guard story, let's just say 
we are not one of their 1 million 
satisfied customers.  Their commercials
just make me laugh with the false
advertisement.  Don't fall for the hipe,
read the fine print and do not install 
them!!  You can even fall taking your 
ladder to go climb up on the roof!!  

We have file with the BBB on them
and they didn't answer the complaint.  
So we went to the Attorney General 
of OR and I was floored to see them 
close the case and didn't even allow
us to rebut the letter.  It was news to 
us that they offered us money, but again
their errored in so many ways we still 
wanted a full refund.  Yep they violated 
their own contract.  Their attorney's 
letter was so full of lies it wasn't funny.

The reason my husband wanted the 
gutters was to keep me off the roof 
as I do the cleaning of it and the gutters.  
I have been told many times to stay 
off the roof, even my doctors have told
me this, so he thought this would help.  
Wrong, if you properly maintain your 
home you have to be up there to remove
the debris from neighboring trees.  
Mind you we don't have trees that dump
junk on our roof, so if their gutter work right
it shouldn't be an issue?  Yes, we
have heard from LeafGuard that we 
have a neighboring tree issue after they 
were installed.  So we asked why buy
their gutters if they don't keep the junk
out like the commercials state?
I had the manager out and watched 
him shake his head at the work that 
was done and how the traps were full. 
We had just emptied them out prior to 
him coming out.  

Then we hear it's our roof issue, it wasn't an
issue when the salesperson was here to sell
us their gutters!!  We had asked several times
and he wrote on the sales contract our roof was 
fine, house built in the 1970s, roof not that old.
But we have leaks worse now than with the old
gutters.  Plus they had to tweak the gutters just
a few weeks after installing them in 12+ places.

The gutters financing, left a bad taste in
our mouths and one can call it bate and
switch.  We only needed to finance 
$5,000 and was told that our credit was 
denied but we have a rating of well 
over 700??  So the guy ran it again
and low and behold the loan went thru,
but we were shocked in a few days 
when both of us were issued credit 
cards for $30,000 each.  We quickly
paid that off and cut up the cards!!   

Then with we raised an issue with
the BBB all heck broke loose.  We
had an issue that water was flowing
from behind the gutters by the 
entryway and called them.  They 
came out and assured us it was 
fixed but it still leaked the next 
rain.  They have not been
out to fix any of the issues.  

Then the attorney general got
our complaint.  Mind you that 
we were following proper protocol
to solve the issue.  What a joke, 
our case was closed when their 
attorney wrote to ask for it to be
closed. We got a copy of  the letter
after they had closed the case and 
found all the lies, but they won't 
reopen it.  They are now blaming
our roof!!  

You see they violated their own contract!  
They were to put cream colored gutters 
up and no they didn't come with a machine
to make them on site.  A truck came out
with them precut and ready to install.  
Makes one wonder if they had them from 
another job as when they left we found hole 
in the back of the gutters in a few spots.
We were told we should take the color 
we got due to they didn't know when 
they would be back out.  To us that 
violated the contract!!    They offered to
put the right color up but we stopped 
them cold with all the issues we had, 
the change of color  wouldn't solve the issue.  
They tried to bully us to make the change, 
the district manager got caught in recording 
our calls.   Then tried to say we were the 
ones that recorded the call, wrong!!! 
I told him he couldn't record the call 
as it was against the law without informing 
the other party first.  Then  I heard it 
was a roof issue from him.  Mind you 
when the guys were out and we heard 
them say this, I asked if any of them 
were licensed roofers?  Nope was their
answer.  We even went as far as contact
the roof company we uses and they were
to come out and the Leaf Guard folks 
heard we were going to have them come 
out and they were out the next morning 
to tweak the gutters and found all the
errors made.  The roof guy came out 
and was shocked at what he saw, 
took photos back to the shop.  They
had put goop up to try to stop the leaks.   
I was told our roof looked great and
they could tell someone was really
taking great care of it.  They gave 
us an estimate for a new roof but we 
were told it might not solve 
the issue of  the Leaf Guard gutters
as they are closed tops and have a 
poor design.  

So my next step was to get estimates 
for gutters to replace the LG ones and 
that was done.  Boy did I get an ear 
full from the companies that came out.
Why are so many folks not filing complaints??  
They just have them replaced??  

We are not one of their so call million 
stratified customers.  Go to Pissed and read their complaints.

There is plenty more to this story, just ask!!

1. #Leaf Guard violates own contract.
2. #Leaf Guard gutters don't work like 
      the commercial states.
3. #Leaf Guard high pressure sales person.
4. #Leaf Guard lies
5. #Leaf Guard attorney lies
6. #Leaf Guard design flaws
7. #Leaf Guard don't buy!
8. #Leaf Guard missed appointments and
       no phone call
9. # Leaf Guard and Good Housekeeping
       don't stand by their product.
10. # Leaf Guard brought our gutters precut.
11. # Leaf Guard recorded conversation 
       without tell customer or requesting permission.
12. # Put up the wrong color!!


With the 18 inches of snow we had it was just
a shock to see the snow go over the top of the
gutters and when it melted it dripped not into
the gutters but straight to the ground.  When
it got cold at night the icicles formed.   Soon
these will be coming off our house!!

Let me tell you,  I am glad I painted the house
when I did.  I found so many areas that were
rotten and had to be fixed.

When the neighbor went to have their house 
painted they had dry rot as they  had their 
LG on longer than we did.

Videos of leaks and issues, there were more
than what we used to show the LG folks of

We were told it was a design issue and no flashing
was installed with the gutters so that allowed the
water to go behind the gutter not flow over the 
top like the LG folks say.    

One will still have to climb the ladder to clean off
the roof and while up there I blow out the gutters 
with the blower vac.  

We went with the 6 inch gutter that is wider than the
smaller ones, they hold plenty of water and we left
the LG downspouts on the house as they were already
up.  We have rainbarrels so an add screen was put on
top to get the debris that yes, still comes down.

As a home owner one needs to maintain not only the 
roof but the gutters!

Saturday, June 20, 2020

ABAD's Color Chart

Someone asked for photos of the
ABAD's Color Chart that I use when
I talk about Brugs.  If you were a member
and want to be taken seriously about
hybridizing and testing, these were
used.  When you look at a computer
color sometimes they are different due
to the light.   So with the chart one can
check the chart and put the color number
on the photo.

From the color chart above the number
is: 255,239, 0