Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Our Home And My Passion.


I never promised you a rose garden.
While visiting with a dear friend this past weekend it was suggested
I take a couple days and put on my blog some history.  Some of you
know I used to have a website but after being attacked and finding
my research being used by others as their own information I decided
to remove my website.  It was so disheartening to see others use my
stuff without giving me or my site credit. More disheartening to have
others question what I have done without even giving it a try.  So it
was time to go underground and just do what I loved.

We purchased our home in the early 1990s from my folks
and worked on it when we could.
Photo from 1988 when we first moved in, oh my what memories this brings rushing in.

Here is what it was like after a few months of clean up.

2000 and the first memorial bed design.

1995 painted the outside of the house.

My plant area. 

After painting it was time for the shingled roof to go and 
at the same time we decided to redo the deck.

Our two boys were young and had a whole 
run of the back yard to play in,  The owners that had 
the house prior to my folks were the second owners. 
This was the builder's house and when he went bankrupt 
they purchased it and did some work.  They put in the 
retaining wall, shed and took out some walls and fireplace, 
then  it with an old style cook stove.  It is my understanding 
that this young couple lived here with their two kids and the 
wife die here. They were so kind to leave my folks the book 
of photos that they started and wanted to pass along the history 
of their home. What a great idea!  We are in hope of doing the 
same thing when we leave.  As you can see they left with some 
great bones of what they have done, I truly thank them.
This photo is from 2005 and you can see several items 
have changed and still are changing as we explain, we 
are a working garden and as my husband will tell you 
nothing is safely planted.  With the boys growing up 
and time for me to figure out what I wanted to do 
now that they didn't want to hang out with the folks.  
My cousin was getting out of fuchsia so I asked the 
folks if I could have their greenhouse as they weren't 
using it.  You can seek it behind the playground equipment.  
We brought it down the Gorge on a flat bed truck and 
placed it just inside the double door gate.  This is a 
great place as it gets shade from the house.  This would 
be the north side of the property, we also laid some pavers 
to make a small patio as this area would stay wet. 

You can see from this photo it was time to kill the 
grass and reseed due to the grass was dying.  
This was 2002 and we decided to kill the yard for 
another reason.  It was becoming a jungle on the 
driveway.  I have been growing Brugmansia for 
a few years and it's was time to find them a new 
place to grow.  So we killed off the grass that fall 
and before reseeding we took a serious look at the 
west side/back yard.

I took old hoses and laid it out, this will become 
the new Brugmansia garden!!

Next was to dig an edge and put the dirt 
in the center of the bed. 

The we covered the grass and edging dirt with newspapers
and watered them down to stay in place.  A friend had a 
truck load of compost that he brought over and we covered 
the newspapers.

Then we covered these and waited until spring to 
plant. Here is what the garden looked like in the 
Fall of 2003, needless to say we ran out of room 
and needed to expand the next season.

They were planted way to close but it was great to walk 
all around then and to watch then grow was just amazing.  
This was our first year of growing them in the ground and 
still had some in pots.  So after digging all these up and 
putting then in pots for the winter it was time to rethink 
our small Brugmansia Garden

The expansion of the Brugmansia Garden for the next 
year and we covered it for the winter months,

While starting to plant the garden the next year we started
to put in hostas to edge the beds.  While planting the next 
day we got rain, rain and more rain! Which delayed the 
planting for several days.


Fall of 2005 photo of the front yard.

Early spring we had a bad wind storm, we lost the 
huge pine across the front yard:

As you can see it was pretty trashed and it 
was time to focus on getting the yard back 
in shape in the front.  The landscaper that 
helped us remove the lumber told me it would 
take a year to get it back to normal. Plus it would 
open up the yard to more sun now.

After loosing some very special gardening friends 
this year we decided to make a memorial bed 2004 
to honor my dear friends that had shared so much with me.

2007 Change to the memorial bed.

From above view.

2005 before the tree came down.

2007 We made some serious changed to the Brugmansia garden 
due to health issues and problems with the neighbors.  No planting 
them into the ground, sat their pots on the black plastic.

Mid summer everything was growing nicely.

Note the north fence, yep it came down!  Dear neighbor wanted
to take his fence down so he could watch me garden.  Needless
to say the first strong wind toppled the brugs over and I cried.
Long story short we had to take them to court to get the fence back up.
Then he would take boards down to look in and Dear Husband caught
him one night.  The wind was just terrible when the fence was down so we
had to move the Brugmansia to the front yard.

His peek holes to watch.


By spring we had enough and invested in a new fence after the chain
link was removed on the north property line.  We did the same on the east
property line behind the front fence so we will work our way around the yard
until it's all fenced.  We just planted a small section of plants due
to what survived.  The hostas were a great idea for a low growing garden,

 Here is our favorite winter photo of the house,  2005

Fall 2007

A bird's eye view of creating the new hosta bed and starting
to re-think the west garden beds to a lower growing plant until
the whole back yard is fenced.

A bird's eye view of the front yard.

Spring 2009

2007 Old Greenhouse

2010 Making the Circle Bed

Fall 2011

Welcome to the tropics.

July 2012

Our plum deck.

May 2012  adding a new fence at the curb after removing the
roses and adding bananas out front.

January 1013 our chain link came crashing down after
a high wind storm, so it was time to add more fence.
After a few hours of work the area was ready for the 
workers to arrive to do the new fence.  We would of loved
to put back up chain link but due to the neighbor's dog
it was time to do the PVC.
 Adding more to the front of the house walkway.

March 2014 Fresh Bark Mulch

May 5 new peony bed.

May 10 Added a New Greenhouse.  

(Check the back posts for the story on this.)

In 2007 we put in our first rain barrel and today we have several! Here it the north east corner:

Here is the northwest corner of the house, we started with the blue one. 
Here is the last set we did, the south side of the house.  We currently have
one in the Brugmansia House and hope to add one to the greenhouse next 

I will add more of the later photos as I come across them.

Please forgive the spacing and hope this might appear,
every time I try to fix it, it gets worse.

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