Monday, July 29, 2024

Local AT&T In Salmon Creek

 A shout out to Carter for your help
today in getting my new photo!  Wow!
Thank You!!

The first photos from it.

My Blog Hit 75,008 -- 7/29/2024

 Thank you for stopping in!

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Clematises Down!

 I have been cutting back our Clematises
due to the heat wave we have been having.
I am down to just one left in my process of
cutting them back.  Lots of burnt leaves and
some die back.  

Sorry no Photos as Google wants Cookies!!
Not allowed so I guess it's time to move the
blog some where else!  This wasn't an issue
until now so time to move on.  

Just half of the collection.

They grow up so fast!  Just a month
after being cut back.

Filling in nicely and a few are starting
to bloom!

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Temporary Closing Our Gardens

 Due to the Heatwave.  We will
reopen when the temps are more

Even the Tropicals are frying!


Finally some cooler weather!  Hottest 
July on record with little rain.


With additional health issues we have
decided not to reopen the gardens for
the rest of 2024.    You are free to look
from the curb or catch me out working
in the yard and ask but let me tell you 
we are busy cutting back.  The heat has
taken a tole on us and the gardens this
year.  Thanks for your support.


Then this happened!  

What a day/week.

Our yard on the east side was trashed!  

Monday, July 8, 2024

Time To Relax / I do not smoke!

 Until the next medical journey!  I just
finished one and have 3 more to go this
month!  So please forgive if the blog takes
a back seat for a while.

Getting tired of all my doctors asking me
if I smoke......NO!  But my neighbor to 
the north has a fire pit!

Last week I added another doctor to my
team to keep me going.  We know, I have
issues with the eyes, he requested I keep on
the path that I'm on!   He recorded the numbers
on the issues and said I should stick with the
6 month plan with my regular doctor.  We now
have a point to compare if the issues continue.
I don't smoke!

Two more specialists to go before my journey
at the end of the month!  Echo, checked off the list
last week.   Today I got another set of x-rays!
Now to see each doctor for why these were

Again I do not smoke!

All that I ask is they keep me on my feet and
doing what I love!

Saw the heart doc. on the 30th and there was
a slight issue that we will keep a close eye on
but everything looks the same.

31st I saw the surgeon to get on his schedule
to do the left knee.   I will have a list of things
to complete before surgery.  He was impressed
on how well the right knee was doing!  I have
the best surgeon!

Thursday, July 4, 2024


 Some time today the blog reached the
74,000 views.  I didn't know my site 
would be this popular!!  Life with 
spammers is what it is.  Germany and 
Russia just keep moving to different

For those of you here to enjoy what
we do here, thank you for stopping
in.  I hope you enjoyed the photos.

Happy 4th of July!

 I had a request for photos this am. Hope
you enjoy them!

Front Yard:

Back Yard:

Also had a request for my Voodoo Plant:

Plus her babies:

The perennial Hibiscus are just
growing like crazy, I'll post photos
when they bloom.

Monday, July 1, 2024

Time For Spring Cleanup

 Many of you know we do our Spring
 Cleanup around the 4th of July.
I have started to cut back a lot of the 
Spring bloomers.  Why, so that we
also get fall blooms!  The heat and
wind do some of the plants in.  I am 
in the process of saving seeds and 
will post what I have for sale later
in July when some are ready.


After watching the yard fry with
the extremely hot temps we are 
having to cut down a lot of the 
plants. In cutting them back, so
that they will regrow and bloom 
in the fall! The key is to fertilize
after they are cut back to get them
to regrow!

2024 July Cleanup

 July 8, 2024

I vac up 1 full bag of 
pine male cones off Sable's
gravel area.  Yes, they are still
coming down.

July 16, 2024

I vac up 2 full bags off of Sable's area
and 1 bag off the north garden bed.

July 17, 2024

Repeat of yesterday's mess 2 full bags
off Sable's area and another 2 bags
off the north garden bed besides 
mowing all the dead pine off the lawn.
I will have to rake up all the rest, when
I get more time.

I vac up 3 full bags off Sable's area and
the front gravel parking spot.


DH, cleaned the shed and roof and removed
a full bucket of tree debris.