Sunday, March 24, 2024

3/24/2024 70,000 Views

 This am our Blog reached the mark
of 70,000 Views!   I should really thank
the spammers for the this as there is 
nothing to look at!  Not laughing at this
at all, just so sad folks keep attempting
to spam and login on my computer.

Thursday, March 14, 2024

Time To Mulch!!

 2024 is our year to do mulch for
for the yard.  So on Monday we 
went and ordered 20 cubic yards
for the yard.

I need to edge the grass area! 


I was asked about what I use to edge
the lawn, my Martha Stewart's half moon
edger and them to break up the clumps
I use the rake, smash them and then
rake the soil up into the beds.

The delivery was 20 cubic yards, one
truck load so far.

3/16/2024 2 pm  After:

We finished the front yard except the circle
bed in the middle of the yard, it will be a 
different color.

Sunday we start the back yard.

Monday was my day to finish the above
area and do the north side of the house.

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Let The Blooming Begin!!

 I have been enjoying the blooms of
February!!   No it's not early, these
plants and shrubs bloom now!



Now comes March's Blooms!!