Saturday, December 31, 2022

Cross Stitching!!


I had hoped to get in here to start the lessons
on cross stitch but ended up in working on 
the current project to get is finished soon.

Coming along nicely.

This up coming Friday 1/27/2023 marks the one 
month working on this project.  I'm a little over 
1/2 done! 

32 days and I can say it's done!!


Finally finished the ballerina that I 
started 2 years ago and had to put away
due to the cats everyone was requesting.
I wasn't happy with the pale blue as it 
looked so washed out.  So I removed and
put in the copper for a splash of color.

Upper right hand corner shows how it 
should look, washed out, no color!

I have time to do a third one for the
winter months but need to find one.

Friday, December 30, 2022

Happy New Year!!

 Looking forward to the New Year!

Been dealing with fireworks and one
unhappy dog!!

Thursday, December 29, 2022

Chainsaw To The North!

Two of the trees came down, the two 
dead ones.  So now we watch and see
if the others will come down.  The 
Maples are splitting and we all know
if you have a lot of trees growing together
when you remove some the others loose
the sport that was once there.  Not wise
to grow trees so close together.  I kept
dealing with theses two dead pine trees 
all year.  I have even noticed the one next
to the two that were remove is starting to
brown also.  Nothing like having dead
evergreen branches and large pine needles
all over our yard.  Then there is the maple
branches that also came down.  None of 
these trees are shaped or thinned out, just 
allowed to grow with out proper care.

The Maple trees roots are doing damage 
to our yard!

When we had the high winds we watched
them sway to the north as the wind was
coming from the southeast.

Our view from our yard, sorry it's not the 
full view.  More trees to the east.

Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Ice, Rains & Winds

 First we had on the 23 an Ice Storm
then came on the 26 the Rain hit, with
27 we had over 50 mph Winds!  What
a week so far.  

This am when I left for the shot clinic
the van was pelted by falling pinecones. 
While awaiting my 30 minutes after the 
shot was given the phone stared to bing.
I checked and the tarp had blown off the 
greenhouse.  So I hurried home taking the
regular route when I got to the lower area
a limb came down and hit the drivers wind-
shield hitting the wiper.  Thank goodness
I was close to home and didn't turn them
back on until I could adjust them in the 
garage.  Got in the house just in time for
the power to go off and one scared fur
baby!!  No power from 10:30am to 
4:30pm and the house got cold!!   I also 
went out in the rain and put extra sand
bags at each leg of the gazebo after seeing
it try to fly. The poor little girl hates thunder
to the point she will jump into the tub down 
the hall when she is scared.  I couldn't get her
to come out of the bathroom at all.  So I put
her blanket in the tub.

Poor Sable's area was covered in limbs and 
pinecones!  What a huge mess.  I was able to
get it cleaned up and pull the tarp behind the
fence area.  Tomorrow if the rain lets up I
can put it back on the greenhouse.  I noticed
the light pop on in the greenhouse after I go
the tarp moved.  I quickly went in and rest the
heater, grabbed the rake and cleaned up to the
north of the carport, then went inside the 
Brug House and rest that heater for the night.
It was starting to get dark so it will have to 
all wait until light.

The news stated we had close or over 5 inches
of rain in the past 48 hours.  To watch for falling
trees due to what we have seen in the last few 
days.  Our winds were over 50 mph in the valley
with  Mt Hood having upwards of 75 mph.  Yes,
they closed due to the winds.  

What a wild ride!! 

Saturday, December 24, 2022

2022 Merry Christmas!


Merry Christmas!!  

Hope everyone has a great Holiday with
your family and friends!

Thursday, December 22, 2022

Still Blooming!



When I opened the door on the greenhouse
to check on the Brugs, the fragrance was 
so strong one could only stay in there a 
short time.  I kicked up the temps on the 
heaters as we are about to have some 
freezing weather for a few days, so they
say.  Praying for no ice damage.

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Yet Another Storm To Hit Later In The Week!

 It's time for old Man Winter to hit later
this week, Ice Storm!!  We are getting
prepared for this to hit.  The last time
we had one in Febr. we had $15,000 
worth of damage!   

Can't wait for this to hit due to the 
conditions of the surrounding trees.


I had to vac up 3 bags of leaves and
pine needles.  Yep, still coming down 
and more to drop.


Still awaiting the storm!  22 degrees this
am and dry!   


The storm hit!!


Still iced in but at least this am we are above
freezing in the temps.  I'll take 34 any day!
Currently having rain and so it's been a fun
48 hours.   No mail in 3 days.

Monday, December 12, 2022


Today was the last day to cleanup the yard
before the weather takes a nose dive into 
the 30s and before the east winds pickup

I took 6 full Pickle buckets of pine needles
from the east trees.  More could be picked up
but it's still to wet.   So after this next storm
comes in I'm sure there will be more needles
to pick up from Sable's area.  

I also picked up 1/4 of a bucket of leaves!
Yes, they are still coming down out of the 
trees to the north.

Time for some trees to go!!  


Today I took another 2 pickle buckets
off Sable's gravel area.  Plus another
1/4 of a bucket of leaves.


Today was another clean the roof day
before the rain hit over night.  I took 
2 full pickle buckets of needles and 
1/2 leaves buckets off the roofs.  Before
I cleaned up the leaves from the last of
our trees.

Why remove all the leaves?  I can't do
the leaf molds that happen if they are
allowed to stay over winter.  Molds and 
pine are on the top of the Allergy list. 

So tomorrow will be a bad allergy day!!

Sunday, December 11, 2022

Cross Stitch Time!!

 Now that the yard is done being cut back
and the weather is starting to be to cold 
for me to be out.  It's time to do some 
cross stitch and keep busy inside.  I 
still have to go out and vac up leaves
and pine needles but with it being to
wet they will have to wait until it drys

Here is the first of this year's projects.

Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Changing Opening Date

 I have decided to change the opening dates
for 2023, to May 1 because of Climate Change!
The gardens will close Oct. 31 our usual date.

We are still asking for folks to make an 
appointment, so we can take time for you!

You are welcome to stand at the curb but 
know I'm really busy in the yard so I may
not have time to invite you up.   This past
year was extremely busy with the watering
due to the heat wave we had.

If you are interested in our veggie garden
produce, please make your requests early
so we will have enough veggies.  Planning
will start in May around the 15th. 

You can leave a comment here.

Sunday, December 4, 2022


 As I was getting ready to go out to
finish the last that didn't get done
yesterday.  The wind kicked up and
then it started to snow.   The weather
report stated .10 inches of snow and 
it was pretty in white but it's to warm 
up later this evening so it maybe
gone in the morning.

Taken early in the morning, it snowed all
day!  Nice day to stay in and work on some
other projects!!  I day of rest.

Friday, December 2, 2022

12/2/2022 High Winds Again!!

After spending my day vacuuming up
Sable's gravel area today making sure
it's was clean and taking 4 full bags of
pine needles off this area.  Again high 
winds over night!!  I noticed that there
were pine needles on the deck when I
closed the curtains already at 5PM.

Guess whom will be cleaning up again!
Still getting leaves from the north tree,


Well I spent my day on the roof of the 
house to find that our 6 inch gutters were
totally full of pine needles and leaves!

After blowing the needles downward to
the gutters I blew out the gutters junk to 
the ground so I was able to pick it up safely.

After that I vac off the shed roof and ended
up afterwards blowing off what I couldn't 
pickup and then blew out the gutters.

I removed 6 full bags of mulched pine needles
and one bag of leaves.  Not done I have the
gravel area behind the classic carport and three
flower beds on the north fence line

Tuesday, November 29, 2022

West Fence

 This is the year that the Hydrangeas need 
to be cut down as the blooms this year were
to heavy and pulled the limbs to the ground.  

Before Photo:

11/29/2022 Photo:

Still working on them but due to all the leaves
in the bin they both are full.  So I'll have to wait
a week to finish.

When I removed the one to the left of what is 
still there I found a lot of the grass that blew 
through the fence when it was hit and it was 
open for a month.  All I can say is I'm glad 
those trees are gone.  I'm still finding wood
chips and pine cones due to that area couldn't
be cleaned up due to the size of the shrubs.


Finally able to finish the cutting back in the
yard.   Just a few more things to tidy up but
they can wait.

11/30/2022 Predicting Snow and High Winds

The weather report this evening 
stated snow is possible on the 
valley floor and high winds.  

We shall wait and see if this 

No snow on the valley floor 
but one heck of a wind storm 
and rain!   44 this morning
and snow around us.  Now
we are holding our breath for
Thursday's storm.  

I spent my outside picking
up leaves!  I vaccumed up the 
whole yard and will have a 
couple spots that I can't reach
to do by hand.  It is so nice to
get my yard back!

We are currently up to 16 bags
of leaves that we have taken off
the yard for this year!  With another
15 bags of pine needles.  

This morning after one hour cleaning
and removing 4 full bags of pine needles
here is a clean area for Sable!


I am unable to get to the garden beds as 
they are still to wet to vac up.


Lets add another 6 bags of pine needles 
and 1 bag of leaves to the count.  More 
to be added on Sunday.

Monday, November 28, 2022

11/27/2022 Another Windy Stormy Day

While out trying to cleanup yet another
storm hit.  After being pelted with ice 
pelts it was time to stop until it cleared.
I ended up re-vaccuming the whole area
and then able to clean up one of our trees.
I took 4 bags off the north yard of maple
leaves and will have to wait until it dries
to cleanup Sable's area of the needles.

This area was cleaned up just 40 hours ago.  It 
was also littered with limbs and leaves. 

Saturday, November 26, 2022

11/25/2022 Rain and Windy Day!!

This morning I was out and picked up
the yard (3/4) bag and as I finished the 
job the rain started falling.  Time to go
in after picking up the mess.  Mid after
noon the wind kickup and my yard is 
trashed again.  I will not go out and 
pickup until it dries.

More when I can get out to pick up.
So this morning 11/26/2022 I picked
up a full bag of leaves on the north

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

11/22/2022 Another Rainy/Windy Storm

 Finally around 3:30PM the rain let
up but the wind kicked in with the 
last of the rain.  I sat here and watched
the maple leaves from the north 
neighbor's tree fly clear over our
home.  When I went out to check
the tarps on the greenhouses I checked
the deck and yes the neighbor's tree
to the east had again dumped the 
needles all the way to mid back yard.

Before the storm hit I had picked up
a full pickle bucket full.  Then later 
in the afternoon I picked up 3 bags of
mulched leaves.  There are leaves all
over the roofs so I know I'll be back 
out in the morning to pick up more.
There is no way I'm going up to the
roofs to clean off the mess, not suppose
to climb or kneel yet.  No photos but I
can tell you one of my bins is half way
full of mulched leaves.


Over night we had some wind and the
evergreens were all over Sable's area.
I ended up picking up a bag and a half
of mulched leaves.  

Friday, November 18, 2022

Yet Another Wind Storm! 11/17/2022

I was out in the back yard cleaning 
up the leaves when all the sudden
the wind kicked up from the east.

Time to stop as I watch the maple
leaves blow all the way to the west
over our fence to two house away.
They stated 35 to 40 MPH. 
Needless to say the yard was trashed
by in the morning!   

I spent from 9:30AM to 3:35PM 
today cleaning up the huge mess!
3 bags of pure pine needles, 3 1/2
bags of pine and leaves mixed and 
then 6 bags of leaves.  The yard
was totally trashed by neighboring

They say more wind tonight. 


Today I picked up another 2 bags
of leaves after putting up a strand 
of Christmas lights.  I hurried as 
several neighbors were burning!
The air was so full of smoke I now
have a headache!

Yep the doctors state to stop smoking!!


Today I picked up 2 more bags of 
mulched leaves!  We then decided to 
taken the bags to H&H and we were
going to use the coupon for free leaf
disposal.  When we got there they weren't
going to allow us to use the coupon due
to there was some pine needles in a couple
bags.  We were unaware of the changes that 
the city made no needles, just leaves.  So if
you are going to use the coupon, make sure
it's only leaves!!   The lady was so kind and
allowed us to use the coupon due to they
weren't our leaves, they came from neighboring
trees!  But we had to dump them in the yard 
debris spot instead of the leaf pile.  Bless her!!
9 and 1/2 bags are what we collected so far and
yes several bags of mixed were put in our recycle
bins.   It is now time for letters to go out, we shouldn't
have to deal with this mess or have to pay to have it
taken away.  We are also concerned about the issue of
there trees that they cause our property.  There will no 
longer be insurance claims but we will take them to 
court!   They don't care!!

Friday, November 11, 2022

How I Spend My Day.



8 bags of mulched leaves were removed.
This is an every day event and I will say
none of these are our leaves.


More wind and rain today and I removed
3 bags, I have to do it twice before I was
to tired.  


Another day of cleanup, I removed
3 1/2 bags of mulched leaves off our
property by noon.  If you look out there
now you will know I'll be back out there
on Sunday!  I even blew out the circle
to have a clean street again.


Still cleaning up daily and today was
a real mess but the yard is starting to
bare!  Today was a 45 1/2 gallon bag 
full of leaves!  Windy over night and
they say for the next few days.  I hope
that all the leaves will fall with this 
wind storm.  Temps are dropping so
that also helps.  I'm finally getting to 
our stuff to cut back, 2 weeks to late.


I went out and picked up another 45
gallon bag of leaves from the north.
with 35 to 40 MPH winds more will
be headed downward.

Went back out after lunch and started
to pickup the west side until I was 
pelted with Pine needles.  The pollen
was so bad one couldn't breath.  After
one bag full I had to stop and at least
try to get a path out to the gravel for
Sable.  I picked up 1/4 bag of needles
alone.  I know what I'll be doing on