Saturday, February 17, 2024

Attempts To Login Into My Laptop

 Friday from 7 am to 7 pm

What a weekend!   I'm up to 4 pages of
IP address and Microsoft ID from folks
attempting to access my laptop.  Funny
how they are using their Androids to do
this.  Germany tops the lists!  Yes, it's all
the countries that have appeared here.  

Then I get another spam email stating that
they have access my laptop and they want
bitcoins.  Funny, according to Microsoft
no one has access my laptop this weekend.
Not sending the $1250 bitcoins!  

Thank you Microsoft for the new tool to 
keep track of those folks.

Keep reporting them and sending their 
emails to Microsoft.  Use AI to stop the 

For those of you that spam, I have returned
the auto reply.  I'd rather be stitching than
dealing with your spam.

March 12, 2024

The spamming still continues!

The daily spammer is up toe 75 spams 
and still coming in since the first of the 
new month.  It's the same old same old.

My husband asked Sunday how many 
attempts were made to get into my computer?
I told him I would give him a count on Monday.,
which came to 74!  He asked me if I ever 
thought about putting up a map and putting
were there they come from.  Nope, takes up
to much of my time!

Germany, Russia, Brazil, Vietnam, Indonesia,
China, and USA all top the list.  He asked if
there are a lot of repeater, Germany, Russia
and USA top that list.  Ever thought about
keeping a list per county?   That might be
a good way to track them all.

The earlier spammers from last year was
from just a couple countries.  I went to their
area govt. folks and complained, how fast
they stopped!  Maybe I should do that again!

I truly want to thank Microsoft for their tools
in getting me information.  Please keep changing
your passwords and pins.  Also turn these folks
in every chance you get, all of them as they only
feel they can get rich off folks that don't pay attention.
No wonder so many folks get taken.  Every computer
has an IP Address and an ID from Microsoft.  Record 
them and report them.
Hit the report button or the .... in the upper corner to 
drop the screen to make a different selection.  Report
the scams with the concerns!  

Companies need to do more to protect citizens!