Friday, June 28, 2024

Fireworks Coming From Westmoor!

 Some one thinks the laws don't pertain
to them as we have had fireworks go off
already twice!   Yep you can't fix their

Fireworks are to be shot off only on 
the 4th of July!!!

Time to Ban then in Clark County!!

Since I posted this post, we have had
fireworks go off every day!  See folks
don't think they need to abide by the 

Well last night was an interesting night.
WW3 in Felida as the house and windows
rattled!   Poor Sable went crazy as these
set her off running to the tub.  An animal
being stress to the point she wouldn't eat or
even go out to potty!  Hope you all are proud
of being an American when you do this not 
only to animals but humans with PTSD!

Clark County should follow suit and join
Portland and the Couv and ban all fireworks.
A great chuckle with their burn ban that was
set to start on Friday, the day after the 4th.
Sorry but have you seen all the dry brown
yards out here??    

Fireworks were going on after 3 am!  Whom
cares about the laws??

Monday, June 24, 2024

Here She Comes!!


6/27/2024 AM

6/27/2024 PM

6/28/2024 evening:

Our Home Is Still Not For Sale!

 This past month has been a trip
and a half.  Besides Jessica's postal
card, we have gotten another postal
card.  I won't state the company name 
out of Portland!  Again it was shredded!

Then a week ago there was a OR car
parked out front for a while.  DH sat
out front watching.  This person was
on the phone talking loud enough we
could hear them.  

Then last week DH gets a phone call
at his work!   The person asked if he
owns the said property at our address.
DH had them repeat it and then hung 

We did not get a phone call on our landline
or either cell phones but this person
called DH at his work number!!


Do you not have any ethics??  To call
a person where they work??

Our now asking price is:
Million dollars!! 

There are many folks that want to buy
our home as it's nicely done and
landscaped! The list is really long
and includes many Real Estate folks.

If you don't see a For Sale sign
don't bother us!

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Mr. Spot

 Starting to fan out!!

Plus Mr. Spot has babies!!

I now have 6 babies that have come up!

Had to put her in a larger pot!

Friday, June 14, 2024

Special Iris

 I watched her open!

Then picked her for inside:

I'll have another bloom in a few days!!

Two more blooms opening!

Monday, June 3, 2024

First of June

 My dear husband, bless his soul 
thought he would go out and pick 
up the fallen male cones from the 
east trees.  It took him several hours 
to just pickup the full bag he did 
get vac up. 

Late Saturday and all day Sunday 
we had high winds and rain so 
you can guess what covers the 
area again!  Totally covered worse
than what it was prior!

The shed roof is just covered, zoom in.  
So you know the gutters are full and 
it's covering the ground also.

We have asked them to remove the trees!  
These trees were miss cut and they were 
told about this when they had a company 
come out and do a storm cleanup.  But
sorry to say they missed some!!  There 
is a couple branches that have cracks.  
These tree sit along the area where they 
septic drain field is!  Do I need to 
say more??   At least if they do come 
down we have sent them a letter of our
concerns.  Shallow rooted tree do come 
down in high winds.

Maybe they should talk to our neighbor 
to the north whom had some come down 
on their house??  Forest trees have
no business being planted on small city 
lots!  They are a mess to clean up after 
and are you really being a good neighbor 
is you allow your trees to trash your neighbor's

My husband now knows the extent I go to, 
to keep our property clean from debris and
 keeping the ants at bay!
He has taken on the task to help keep the 
yard nice while I recoup from my knee surgery.  
The body can only take so much abuse 
before it gives out! 

We have not only had these trees branches
 come down but the trees to the west and north!  
We have paid dearly for the neighbors' neglect!  
None of our debris goes into neighboring yards,
that is what a good neighbor does.
If you have to stand and watch us fix what 
wind damage does to our yard, don't you think 
you should be minding your own business 
and clean up your property?  How bad
is it going to get??  


This evening when it dried out a little there was
an attempt to clean up some!   2 full bags were 
removed from the gravel area which we call
Sable's area.  You couldn't see the gravel at all.
More needs to be picked up but it was getting
late.  Some areas are still to wet, it's a mess!!


Today we removed 2 bags and one pickle 
bucket of male cones that everyone see all 
over the place that are currently falling.

Then the north beds are cover with dying


We removed 2 full bags off Sable's
area and around the greenhouses.
I also blew out the roadway.


I picked up 3/4 bag off Sable's gravel
area.  Then cleaned up the north fence
like where the above tree drop all the 
dead sprigs.  The yard was covered with
sprigs and leaves.  I took a full bag and
a bucket off the north garden beds.


I have been busy cutting Azealia back
due to again I found Azealia Gaul.  My
two beautiful white ones in the back
yard again has it.   For years I have 
complained about the neighbor's huge
one at the curb.  This has never been
cared for and you can see how bad it
is.  So since they have it, it will spread!



Today another 2 full bags of male cones
were removed from Sable's area.  What
a mess!  It's now been 2 full month of
clean up just so she can go into her area.


Today DH decided to clean off the roofs
of both the shed and house.  He cleaned 
out the gutters and removed 2 full buckets
of Male cones.  


I took a full bag off Sable's area and the
area where DH parks his truck.