Friday, June 28, 2024

Fireworks Coming From Westmoor!

 Some one thinks the laws don't pertain
to them as we have had fireworks go off
already twice!   Yep you can't fix their

Fireworks are to be shot off only on 
the 4th of July!!!

Time to Ban then in Clark County!!

Since I posted this post, we have had
fireworks go off every day!  See folks
don't think they need to abide by the 

Well last night was an interesting night.
WW3 in Felida as the house and windows
rattled!   Poor Sable went crazy as these
set her off running to the tub.  An animal
being stress to the point she wouldn't eat or
even go out to potty!  Hope you all are proud
of being an American when you do this not 
only to animals but humans with PTSD!

Clark County should follow suit and join
Portland and the Couv and ban all fireworks.
A great chuckle with their burn ban that was
set to start on Friday, the day after the 4th.
Sorry but have you seen all the dry brown
yards out here??    

Fireworks were going on after 3 am!  Whom
cares about the laws??

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