Friday, October 5, 2018


In January of this year I harvest 4 seedpods from our B. Shorty's variegated.  For years I have heard from both Brugmansia groups that variegated Brugs seedpods will be solid color and variegation is
not carried forward. 

So since I got Shorty's variegated I have not released any of her seedpods.  I have planted each year and tossed many of them since I have B. Hunter and B. Jutner Peachy Cream that I keep growing and enjoying the fragrances.  B. Shorty's has a fragrance that will knock you over when she has all the blooms that she puts off.

Back to the 4 seedpods for 2018.  Each was planted in a pot labeled with the seedpods letter.  To my surprise by March we were seeing the pots fill up with little plants.  I noticed some with variegation and thought no, that isn't what I have been told.  So I sat on them and not a word until now.  Today
10/5/2018 I decided to strip the leaves to get ready to put them in their own pots for the winter months.   I have a spot for them up under the grow lights in the Brug House.

These are from seedpod A:


Shorty's plants are huge if allow to grow naturally the first 6 months. 

A little history on B. Shorty's, it was found at a local nursery.  I purchased 2 and they told me
when I returned a few days later that they weren't supposed to sell them and they wanted to
buy them back.   I questioned the history and they were only labeled variegated.  While at ABADS I was told to purchase all the variegated plants that were known and I then started the task to compare them all to Shorty's.  Shorty's out grew them all and needed full hot sun to thrive.  None of the others had her fragrance either.  I did share her with a lady back east and hoped if I lost ours she would be able to replace ours.  I was also at Dave's Gardens and shared her with folks that wanted cuttings.  I was told not to share her after ABADS found out I was as I didn't know the history.    I trade lots of cuttings and after the first year we decided to stop sharing her.  I will tell you I did take her down to Terra Nova to have her tissue cultured.  She collapsed and they were unable to tissue culture her.  I was told she was probably someone tissue culture how she reacted.   I have been growing her and another tissue culture from TNN and they have matched in growth and they both throw off about the same sports.  They range from Albinos to solids, even the albinos will show green on them.  Here is the Shorty's albino for this year:

Yes you can get them to grow as long as they stay attached to the mother plant.  Our first Shorty's had one that we were able to get to seedpods and the new babies were all albinos which lasted upward to a month after planting. 

B. Shorty's is a special plant!!  She is hard to start but it can be done. 

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