Saturday, September 14, 2024

More Rain This Evening!!

 Thanks Mother Nature for the rain 
we badly needed and helping water
the lawn after I put down the fall 

Accosted On A Public Street This AM

Don't ya just love your neighbors
when they are wrong?  Can't fix 
their stupidity!!  Or should I 
scream Elderly Abuse?

Since the wood chips were blowing 
down to the end of the circle it was
time to clean the circle.  I would 
say I was half way done when I 
looked up to find the neighbor to 
the east videoing me blowing the 
chips back up their way.  I stopped 
and waved, but kept cleaning up 
their mess.  I then got flipped off!  
I just shook my head and then came 
the verbal abuse.  I told her she didn't
have permission to video me so she 
better stop. I stop the blower and 
she kept telling me to get off her 
property!!  So if this is your property 
then you should be cleaning up
the mess not allowing it to blow 
into your neighbor's yards. 

Excuse me this is a public roadway, 
so what if you property goes out 
into the roadway.  Cleaning up 
your mess!  I sure shouldn't be 
doing this but one gets tired of 
driving over wood chips and bark.

Then I get the poor me bit as I'm
doing the best I can, I'm an educator
and I'm pregnant.  She also called 
me retired and a few choice names.  
Then I said wow, for an educator to
say things like that is just priceless.  
You know me I don't waste my time
 with words, She said nothing I 
wanted to hear! 
Well that sounds like a personal 
problem to me and look who made 
this mess?  She was on the phone 
to Daddy whom owns the property
not her and her husband.  She also
said I needed to call the cops, is 
that what her Dad told her?   So 
I'm waiting to see if they will show 
up for me cleaning the street.

I didn't go at her but she charged at
me and didn't want to hear anything
I said,  what a bully!  Oh she also 
stated we didn't come greet them when 
they moved in, no way am I wasting my
time on them.  They are acting like the 
previous owners and wanting our attention,
not going to happen nor am I doing to 
help them with anything.  I will continue 
to clean the roadway like I promised
the county staffer.  If we are lucky to 
see a street sweeper every 6 months.  
This past month the sweeper didn't come 
down at all as they know how well I keep 
the street clean.  Can't wait for the leaves 
to fall this year as I won't be cleaning!
More surgery and I can't wait to see the 
CT scan to see if I re-injured my knee.

This is now the fourth time this family has 
done this. Three from her and once for him.
Beside them turning me into code enforcement.
Code Enforcement officer was just blown 
away and we exchanged cards.  

Today's generation is full of themselves!  
Bullies and have no clue!!  So you want 
to live at the end of a dead end circle 
where it's supposed to be quite??  

My husband had a good chuckle at 
what I told him and how stupid she was!  
I like the threat of her saying call the cops.  
I think that is what her Dad told her, sorry 
she was the aggressor by saying I was on 
her property!  I was on a public street!  
So why wasn't she cleaning up the mess?   
Most folks feel if it's in the street why 
bother cleaning it up!  The wood chips 
and chunk had been there for over a week.  
They didn't clean up after their tree trimmers
left a mess.  They don't care about the neighborhood.  
What I took away from the verbal 
abuse was she was upset I was retired and she was
having to clean up her yard while being pregnant.
For a pregnant person to act in the manner
she did is just unbelievable!  She sure isn't
winning friends by the way she acts!

Her Dad showed up to help her clean up.....
just maybe they should live in an apt. as they
haven't cleaned that yard and we have seen 
the grass get over 3 foot tall.  Thistle every 
where and my bet they had no clue what 
they would be left with with when
those trees came down.  
Ya only see them come out to sit in their 
chairs, play when Dad shows up with
his bikes and nothing more.

Now you know why we won't have 
anything to do with our neighbors!
Yes, the cameras were put up due to 
neighbors and one stealing plants.

I could of said to her I just had knee 
surgery and should of been recovering
but your tree trimmer left a mess in 
our yard.  But no, I cleaned up the 
mess and am still cleaning up your 
mess if you own the street!  All 9 of 
our neighbors are trips!

GIS shows this property has change 
over several times while they have lived there.

Daddy didn't stay long and then the kids 
went inside also after he left.   There is just 
the appearance we are doing something.   
All you have to look around and see whom 
cares about where they live.   Our home 
used to be one of them when we first moved
in but for years we have kept it up!  

 Guess who does 95% of the work here??  

More to come on this after we go to court!

Friday, September 13, 2024

Fall Crocus Are Up


The first sign of Fall beside the squirrels 
and the walnuts shells!  Don't ya love how
that stains the cement?

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

The Blog Hit 76,000

 this morning!  Thank you for
your support.  Life at the dead
end circle is not quite at all!

Glorious Rain!!

 Got up this morning to rain, 
which we need.  Finally a day
of rest and relaxing!  It's been
a long summer.  Still working
on calming the hamstring down.
I noticed while working yesterday
it started to act up again.  So back
to work a while then rest.  They 
say it may take a year for it to 
calm down.  But the way our
lives have been going it may 
take longer.  I swear by Bio

Well that was short lived, I 
worked to noon and then got
a call from my sister.  Then 
this afternoon I was able to 
slide into town and get my 
flu and covid shots.  I was
advised to get them sooner
than later so before surgery
was okay to do now!  So glad
I asked the team!

Love to garden in the rain!

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Closing Our Gardens Early

 We usually close by mid October,
this year due to the heat and I just
learned I need more surgery.  So 
the yard is starting to disappear
as I put it away for the rest of the
season.  It will be easier to take 
care of if all is in a couple places. 

So I have started to put the 
Brugmansias away.  Last Friday 
I finished their house and adding 
a temp hoop house to the east 
of the greenhouse to store plants 
that can handle being outside 
during the winter months. 

As of this evening I'm almost
half way done putting the Brugs
in the yard away.  Then I'll do the
ones blooming on the driveway.
Most of them will go into the 
tropical greenhouse.



Filling up fast and less than a 2 dozen to go.
These were done first as they didn't have any
buds and again I cut them back more than 


Happy to say, I'm down to the one Brugmansia 
that is in the huge cement pot out front left to
strip and put away!!


Today I started stripping the Abutilon /
Flowering Maples and cutting back the 
calla lilies and putting them away.


After a few hours on the driveway and
listening to the tractor removing the 
trunks from next door, I can say most
of the smaller Abutilons are now
cut back and in the greenhouse.  I am 
also cutting back the Columbines and
moving them to the covered open space.
Thank goodness the recycle bins are
going to be emptied this week!  I bet 
we can fill all 3 yard bins in less than
a day we are that far behind due to the
last tree removal.


Today I'll need to readjust both greenhouses
to make for more room or it will be time 
to start stacking plants this year.

I started stripping the leaves of the last
large Abutilon and got 6 done today besides
cutting back the north Hosta garden bed.
Only two Abutilons to go and was able
to find space for them.  There area a few
plants that will become house plants.

If you haven't see the photos of our yard
we do not have the typical yard most have
in Clark County!  As one attorney stated, 
"You have created a paradise here!  Just 
breath taking."  Another Attorney that has
visited was just speechless and surprised 
at what we had created. 

Our gardens are open by appointment