Thursday, October 17, 2019

October 15th Deadline!!

This is our deadline to get all the tropicals and plants that we want to save in and protected.
We also start the cut back in this process, the tender plant material goes first and as we go we
access the hardiness of what plants are left.  By November 1 all should be done and put away for the winter months.   We find the 15th of October is when we fight neighboring leaves that blow or come
into our yard.  So this take a lot of our time in getting them either blow back of vac to be dumped into the yard where they came from.   It's their responsibility as it's their trees, but in our area the leaves are allowed to blow into others yards as property owners just don't care.  This is why we have to pay $35 a year stormwater fee.   I think it's time for the County to take a serious look at those that neglect their responsibility and not charge those of us that do take them time to clean up.  It boggles the mind, what happens if a car should slide and wreck due to their neglect to pick up their leaves?? 

I made a deal with the County's Public works director in the 1990s that I would clean our circle due
to a couple neighbors keep complaining about the street sweeper.    So since then I have had a blower vac and two 100 feet cords to keep them area clean.  But these days due to health issue I have slowed
down and can't keep it as clean as I did then.  It just blows the mind how folks allow grass clippings to blow out of their mower and don't clean up the mess.  Or they toss stuff in the streets.   Let alone the vehicles that drip whatever into the street and they do nothing to up keep their vehicles.  All you have to do is take a walk and see the oil leaks on the street.  Come on out County and you will see what I see.

So with that stated I have a couple weeks to finish the cut back!!  We have had a couple frosty days
and it's time.


We are still doing daily cleanups and have yet to finish the yard.  Hoping that the good Lord or
Mother Nature sees fit to hold back the cold until we get done. 

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