Saturday, November 7, 2020

Being a Good Neighbor??

 This past week has really been interesting.  
Ya know your not a good neighbor when 
your neighbor comes to the door and tells 
your not a good neighbor.  Then he tells 
your husband that you wrote a letter to them 
and accused me of writing he was trying to 
kill me?  Say what??  What a liar!!  I haven't 
written then any such letter.  Only letter they 
have gotten from us is about their trees that 
dump in our yard, they hang over our yard 
and the root of their trees cause us issues
with our fence.

Let's talk about being a good neighbor, 
if your trees dump into our yard, is that 
being a good neighbor?  Don't you think
it cost your neighbor money to get rid
of the junk, let alone the disease 
material that drops drops in their yard.  

Our neighbor to the north is a trip!!  
You should see the mess in their yard.
Yes, these are the folks that we had to
 turn into SW WA Air Quality for 
burning in their firepit for a full week
solid and the smoke was so thick!!   
Second hand smoke isn't health at all.

In our letter to our neighbors about 
their trees we suggest that they hire
an arborist to educate them on their
tree issues but none of them feel this is 
needed.  We continue to have damage
to our property due to their neglect.  
We have had our fence fixed over a
half dozen times due to these tree issues.   
None of them have paid for any damages!

Let's talk about the mess!!  It is a daily
task to clean up before I can open the 
up the gardens tell me that is right?? 
I spend some where from 4 to 8 hours
cleaning up the yard daily due to 
my neighbor's trees.
Not only on the ground but the mess
on the roof.   
How can I show the gardens when it's
such a mess? This am the whole north side
was covered with leaves.   
I really have to laugh, when this neighbor
offered to rake my yard.   
Thanks for the laugh, he doesn't even 
do his own yard and he thinks he will
do mine??  
Then I would have to wait for him to
show up to do so, I don't think he 
was serious.....he loves to hear himself
talk.   They have been there 5 years 
and it's a mess over there,  Nor have
they offered to pay for our recycle
bin or get one here so it can be taken
away at their cost.
Nope they call the Sheriff and have 
them come talk to us about illegal dumping.  
Sorry but it's not a citation offence, it's a
code violation.  But again we own 6 inches
on the other side of our fence, they are the 
ones that removed their fence.  Ya know 
those smaller yards and folks want more

His own wife was here for a garage sale
 and she stated  she wanted our property. 
 That he will be taking care  of the
trees........5 years later nothing has been 
done.  She also made the statement that 
this was the only property within the 
boundries of the schools they wanted.  She
 also left with one of my business cards
 so she can't  say they didn't know I have
 a business.  She also stated  she wanted
 our property again and the kids play set.  
I'm sure they didn't look into the property 
fromwhat was stated.  There are so many
 trees on this property, one would ask why??  
More can be stated about this property
 but if you don't do the research why 
should one tell you anything.   

One of the statements last week when 
the male made a visit beside lying 
about the letter I supposed to have 
written was all the other neighbors
 pick up their mess in their yard.  
Sorry but they all have paid yard care 
that come in and clean up their messes.   
He also bitched about me being up on 
the roof cleaning off our roofs, 
excuse me.   I wouldn't be on the roof 
cleaning up the mess because it's not 
our mess, it's from your trees.  
Besides nothing from our trees go 
across the fence into our neighbor's yard.  
Who is a good neighbor?

Then also let's talk about their CC&R
 that require that  they have a fence up
 and 2 years ago they removed theirs.  
There is also the fact that we have our 
fence set into our property 6 inches as 
that is what is required.  
So in reality I'm putting the leaves on 
our property over the fence.  He is the 
one that doesn't have a 
fence up so that is his problem.  I can't 
afford to pay for his leaves.   Let it 
compost between the fences,  
 Oh ya......he took his fence down.   Maybe 
he should read his CC&R??  I bet the 
Homeowner's association would love to 
hear about his lack of fence??

As our attorney stated when he visited,
 our yard isn't the normal Clark County
 yard.   It's breath taking and he was 
stunned when he saw the trees that are on
three sides of our property.   He was told
they do not take care of them, no 
watering or pruning that is why 
they are what you see today.   We have
created a 'Little Garden of Eden'  here 
and when we open the gardens we have  
lots of folks that come to enjoy it.  
We also have regular folks that stop and 
want to see what is new and get ideas.  
Our rain barrels are what catches 
most of the comments as we collect rain water.   
I will also state I have a business license 
and that is why we keep our gardens in the 
shape that they are in.

All you have to do is just look at the 
way these trees are and how much 
they hang over our fence.  We have 
done what we can legally in telling them 
their trees are an issue.   If they do come 
down and damage our home we will take 
them to court.

I love the Deputy that showed up today 
due to me returning their leaves.  He stated 
that we can cut the trees at the fence line.  

 According yo WA State 
Supreme Court case Gostina V. Ryland;

"The overhanging  branches of a tree, 
not poisonous or noxious in its nature, 
are not a nuisance per se. to sustain an
 action for damages.  Some real sensible 
damages must be shown to result there
from....One adjoining owner can not 
maintain an action against another 
for the intrusion of roots or branches 
of a tree which is not poisonous or 
noxious in it's nature.  His remedy 
is such case is to chip or top off the 
branches or cut the roots at the line." 

But in reality, we have 6" of property 
on the north side of the fence to put 
the leaves on and it's their problem 
if they removed their fence.  I wanted
to tell the deputy he needs to get the 
County's information on neighboring
 tree issues as they have a flier or it can 
be found on the county's website.

You cut their trees or branches without
a written doc. you could be charged for 
destroying their trees.  If the tree is on 
their property you need to send them a 
written letter stating their is an issue.  
So don't trim their trees!!

Let's take this a step further, if you 
hire a tree service, make sure they 
have an arborist license and can tell 
you that you are dealing with.   Also  
your adjacent neighbors shouldn't 
have tree debris dumped into their  
property either.  Do not expect your
neighbors to allow them to drop your 
trees into their yard.  One reason for 
folks to post their property that it's 
private, no trespassing.  

Our property is posted and we do call 
the police.  I have it also posted our 
gardens are open by appt. only.  
Please make an appt.  

(All my garden friends, these rules 
do not apply, if we are in the
yard ask first.)

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