Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Keeping Track of My Time 2021

 1/1 & 2/2021

Days of rest!!


13 minutes to pick up 136 leaves from 
the maple trees to the north.

Yes, a really windy day!!


Following Dr's order and resting.
A shout out to the PT for all her


Spent 30 minutes vacing up Sable's 
area of fir needles, 1/2 bag.  Picked up also 
60 leaves from the north.

1/9 - 11/2021

Resting and healing!


30 leaves just walking out to take
Sable out to potty.


No one got any sleep last night as the
storm hit hard!!   We listened to tree stuff
hit the house all night long!  We knew in 
the morning that we had a huge mess out
there and DH told me not to look out 
back, I was to take the day off and enjoy
my birthday.  Right, who is going to clean
up the mess??   I started at 9:30am and didn't 
finish until a little after 4pm.  I needed to 
at least water in the greenhouses, all of 30
minutes to do that but the rest of the time
was cleaning up the mess from the west 
trees!!  Check out the post for the 13th.
Half hour to clean up the east as those 
trees also dumped needles, branches
and pine cones over the area where Sable
does her business.  I picked up 138 leaves 
from  the north trees, you would think since
the trees are bare I wouldn't have to still be
picking up the leaves.  Leaves are caught in
the pine trees and now just dropping out of
them with the higher winds.  As you can see
from the other post the mess we deal with
when high winds kick up.  I knew today I
would be hurting after all that mess and 
pulling the huge limb to the front yard.
My yard debris bins are full for next weeks

Yes, having to clean up these messes is 
starting to take a tole on this old body!
My neighbors don't care what messes
that their trees cause others.


Was walking the front yard and found
more tree limbs in the front all the 
way to the curb.  Picked up a full
pickle bucket of stuff.


Recovering from the clean up.
Still a lot of fir in the air so the
allergies are off the charts.


I have picked up 143 leaves in the
past couple days, still coming
out of the trees to the north. Total 
of 10 minutes time.


Picked up 34 leaves when I would
take Sable out to potty,  8 minutes.


10:30 AM until 12:35 PM was my 
morning fun!!  I started off cleaning the
roof, putting down soap and then cleaning
off the shed roof plus putting down more
soap.  Then I blew off the deck, pathways
and the Hosta bed, will pick it up Sat.
Then I vac up the walkway in the front,
blew off the driveway and the circle 
out front.   I vac up Sable's area and
behind the classic car, took 2 full bags
of fir needles off those two areas.
I then vac up the the leaves that have
blown in and that was another half bag.

It is great to see everything cleaned up


A day of rest, no I have to clean up the
fir needles to the west and south.


Nice rainy day and I still need to cleanup
the fir needles to the west and south.


Picked up 6 leaves while taking Sable out to 


I picked up a full pickle bucket of fir tree
debris that had fallen over night from the yard
and 34 leaves from the north before the storm


Well the storm hit around 2:30PM yesterday 
and all one could do is just watch.  I knew with
the high winds I would have a mess today!
1 and 1/2 hours of work and I took 4  pickle
buckets from the east, 3/4 buckets from the north, 
which had 63 leaves besides the evergreen dropping
out of their trees and a full bucket from the west. 
I will have to wait until it dries out to pick up the 
fir needles, more rain is headed this way.  The garden
beds will have to wait until they dry out to remove
all the fir stuff from the west beside vacing up the 
fir needles out of the pathways.


Took the day off to stay inside and do some stitching.


Just picked up 23 leaves that were
still blowing in while taking Sable
out to potty.


More leaves were found  6 from the back,
while taking Sable out.   Can't wait for the
seeds to drop!!  No wonder I have back
issues.  Has been raining with wind so I 
know I'll have pine cones to pick up later.
It as great to see the County's Street Sweeper
a little after 7 today and hope fully I'm done
picking up leaves that blow from the west.
Only 9 leaves were found out front today. 


17 leaves picked up today front and Sable's 
area.  Lots of tree debris is falling out of the
east trees with our high wind.  Rainy day.


18 leaves from the east that had blown in.


Stayed in due to the rain.


After watering the greenhouses I walked the north 
side of the house and picked up 8 fir sprigs that had
blown in.  Hopefully Monday I'll be able to get out
if the sun shines.  Lots of stuff out there to pick up.

2/ 8 & 9/2021

Started preparing the yard for upcoming new roof,
lots of stuff to move and get out of the way.  


Today was my day to clean up Sable's area
as to much fir needles are being tracked into
the house.  45 minutes later I had 2/3 bags
of fir needles from her area.

Next is a couple projects that should of
been done last fall.   First was to cut a 
lower branch off the Fringe Tree and
the put it into the ground.  Next is
the Tree Wisteria that needed to come 
out of the ground.   Put them in a couple 
buckets.   The rest of my day was 
answering phone calls. First was our
roofers, it seems they can start earlier!!  
Next is the clinic surgery nurse, seems 
there is a opening if I can pass a few 
tests.  So the first surgery is set and
 we will see how it goes.  


Doctors appt. and we were to have a 
storm hit this weekend, so I was busy
getting stuff moved.

2/12 -14/2021

Well the storms hit and all I have been
doing is scooping snow!!  


To much fir in the air and the allergies
are off the charts!!  Staying inside.  This 
next weekend is cleanup time as the snow
has melted enough we can get the mess
taken out of here.


7:30 to 10:20 AM started cleaning up
the west area from what came out of
their trees.  2-32 gallon garbage cans
plus 2 - five gallon buckets full from
the west.   4-five gallon buckets from 
the east and 1 five gallon of PVC broken
parts from the fence.  All that I could
move was placed between the greenhouse
and the fence so it can be loaded up and
taken out this weekend.  I hurt!!  A couple
of the limbs were 4 to 5 times my height
and all I could do is drag them across
the yard.  What remains will have to be
cut to be removed.  I hurt!  This all needs
to be cleaned up before I have surgery.


Spent an hour picking up and pulling
the classic car tarps so that it would
drain.  Was able to pull the tarp on 
the greenhouse up to check for damage
and found the door jam safe!!
Filled the wheel barrel and a few
buckets with the smaller stuff before
the allergies sent me back inside.


Clean up completed!!   I spent 7 hours
out picking up, cutting and loading the
truck for the first load to go out to H&H
to the yard recyclers.  Allen spent a total
of 9 hours also loading, sawing and tearing
down the carport, moving the classic to the
garage after finding it was saved by the
carport.  But the carport pushed the east
PVC fence outward.  We also noted that the 
front gate was hard to open and shut.
The front section of the double gate 
also needs to be readjusted and 5 boards
need to be replaced.   The peak of the 
shed was flattened and we found some 
damage to the gutters.  First load to H&H
cost us $18.75, again from neighboring


Today we spent 2 hours cleaning up again
and taking the last out to H&H recyclers.
We will have to rebuild the carport and so 
glad we got the metal corners when we
built it.  The PVC pipes and fittings are
what broke.  We also lost the 1-20 X 19
and 2 - 20 X 30  Second load to H&H 
cost us $11.25,  again not from our trees.

I will have to vac up the fir
needles when it dries out some to finish
the clean up.  These will be put in the
recycle bin for next pickup.  Should 
be between 1 to 1 1/2 hours to clean
the whole gravel area east of the shed
and greenhouse.


I started at 9:15am to get the area 
between the shed/greenhouse to 
the east fence cleaned.  I finished
at 10:55 am and three buckets and
one bag of fir stuff when in the 
recycle bin.  The area is now clean!!

Let me also add 128 maple leaves 
from the north were picked up as
they were found hiding up under
the classic once it was moved.


Just picked up a dozen leaves that
had blown into the yard.


Taking some time to heal.....Per
doctors' orders.

2/25 &26 /2021

Still picking up limbs and fir cones
that are still dropping into our yard.
So much for my rest.  25 minutes to
pickup over 3 buckets of limbs and
fir cones.  Will have to rake the area
to get it all cleaned out.


20 minutes picking up limbs and cones.


10 minutes picking up, stuff is still
dropping.  We are watching 3 huge 
limbs that are broken off.


A day of rest!!  Busy getting ready for
the roofers to start the new roof.


New Roof is completed and every day
I have been out cleaning up what blows
in for the past two weeks.   Yesterday I
felt good enough to blow out the circle
we live at the end of.  I just don't get it
out here folks don't pick up the leaves that
their trees drop, why??  They allow them 
to blow where ever and they create a mess
for those of us that do keep our yards clean.
They can cause a mold issue it not taken
care of.    But again they don't deal with 
their weeds so why would one expect them
to pick up their leaves?  


I spent a couple hours outside blowing
the seeds and cone parts out of the circle
and then vac-ing up what has fallen into
our yard from a neighbor's tree.  I sure
don't want that type of tree in our yard.
What a huge mess for everyone to look
at.  Also picked up a bottle of Roundup
to use to kill all the seedlings that will
pop up later.  Also picked up 36 maple
leaves from the neighbor's to the north tree.


When the rain stops I will have pine cones
and branches to pick up from the west and 
east.   But today is a day of rest.

When the rain stops 


Another day of picking up fir limbs and cones, 
1 hours after hearing a limb hit the house again.

April 2021

2 hours to pick up 2 -- 96 gallon recycle bins 
full of fir mess from the west and east property


I spent 2 hours cleaning off the deck and spraying
the cracks between the boards to free them of 
fir debris so the deck can breath.  What a mess!!


I spent an hours cleaning off the roof and gutters
and then another 20 minutes to clean up the ground.
What a mess from the high winds earlier this week
and still have the shed to go.  There is a limb up
on the top but the big ladder is being used to paint
the house.


Took a half bag of fir needles off Sable's area, 
20 minutes of work.  


20 minutes to clean up the two garden beds,
1 full five gallon Pickle bucket!   Folks wonder
why we keep the garden bed covered.  All of this
would make the garden bed to acidy.


2.5 hours to pickup a full pickle bucket of maple


3 hours to pick up 3 buckets of maple seeds that were
found all over our yard after the wind storm from
the north


Every couple hours I would go our and pick up the
Maple Seeds that drop into our yard.  Hand fulls 
dropped into the buck and by this evening I
had half a pickle bucket full.  Total so far of 5 1/2 
five gallon pickle buckets!  Still falling.


I clocked in 7 1/2 hours and DH clocked in 4,
together we picked up 5 1/2 pickle buckets of 
maple seeds, for a grand total now up to
11 buckets or 3/4 of a 32 gallon garbage 
bag.   Just so we could water the north 
side of the house.


Started at 7:40 am  and stopped at 
11:50 for lunch.  There is 3/4 bucket
of Maple seeds sitting in the garage.
I will do the west garden when there 
is shade.


Clocked another 6 hours and a full 
pickle bucket of Maple Seeds.


Clocked another 6 1/2 hours and 
1/1/2 buckets of Maple Seeds.

Clocked 6 hours and another bucket.

I clocked 6 hours and Husband clocked
4 1/2 with a total of 3 1/2 buckets of
Maple seeds picked up.


Clocked 4 hours with us both picking
up 2 buckets before opening up the 


Clocked 3 hours picking up 3/4 bucket
before I could mow.  Also picked up
3/4 buckets of fir needles & junk off the 
east gravel area in less than a week from
the last time done.  Poor Sable's area
was full of sap due to how the trees
were trimmed up.  You can see the sap
oozing out of the trees.


 1 hour to walk and pickup the Maple 
Seed, over 1/3 of a bucket.  I'm sure
there are more but I need to finish the
painting.  Picked up the yard two other
times and the count is now a full bucket,
3 hours.


Every time I climbed down the ladder
from painting I could pickup a couple
hands full of MS.  All day long and then
the wind stars up.   2/3 bucket of seeds, 
leaves, pine cones, branches and needles.
I would clock this all into about 2 hours.
1 1/2 32 gallon bags full so far!!


Clocked in an hour all day picking up
1/3 bucket of Maple seeds.  Finally slowing
down on dropping.  But this time was 
more twigs and leaves besides dead
twigs from the evergreen tree dying.


Well I spoke to soon after looking out
the kitchen window, still dropping.

Clocking 1 1/2 hours picking up Maple
seeds during the day, 3/4th bucket.  I am
finding them in pots all over the yard.


Still picking up Maple Seeds, they are
every where!  Clocked another 1 1/2 
hours and 2/3 bucket of seeds.  We 
are even pulling them out of the veg
garden area before we can plant.  I
am even finding them in the epi 
cactus pots.


Clocked 15 minutes to pickup 1/4 of
a bucket and DH clocked an hour to 
clean out the Maple Seeds from the 
gutters on the house and shed, one
full bucket!!


Rain day, no pickup!!


I clocked an hour to pickup over
a half bucket of Maple Seeds.  Still 
picking out Maple Seeds out of the
hanging baskets.


15 minutes clocked to do just a couple
beds adding up to 1/4 of a bucket before
my doctor's appt.


Rain and wind day, only going out when
Sable needs to potty.  Lots of pin cones
and limbs coming down.


Spent 25 minutes picking up 1/3 bucket of
Maple Seeds.  Still windy but need to mow.


15 minutes to pick up 1/4th bucket of Maple
seeds.  But all day while working in the yard
I would pick up seed that were missed in the
front yard.  Also pulled two seeds that had
started to grow.  It was a good day to spray 
round up!!


30 minutes to walk the yard and pick up 
Maple seeds, 1/3rd pickle bucket.


15 minutes to pick up 1/4 bucket of Maple
seeds.  Wind is blowing so I'm sure there
will be more tomorrow.


Another 15 minutes to pickup 1/4 bucket of 
Maple seeds.  Lots of dried up leaves and 
small branches/ dead evergreens.


Just a handful this morning!!   1 3/4 -32 gallon
bags full of Maple Seeds!


15 minutes to pick up 1/4th of a bucket of 
mainly leaves and dead evergreen branches
falling out of their dying tree.


Since we had high winds last night I had
1/4 bucket of dead evergreen branches, 
dried up leaves and bard to pick up, 15minutes.

Then for the next hour I vac up Sable's gravel
area and picked up more than a half bucket of
fir needles.  

After that 20 minutes to blow our the circle.
This is normal when we have winds.


It was so nice to just pick up a handful of stuff
but DH cleaned the shed gutters and had half
of his pickle bucket full of neighboring tree
junk.  Again we had high winds last night.


Picked up 5 hand full of Maple seeds, dead
branches, bark and evergreen .


It was a day of cutting back the spring bloomers
to find 13 hand full of Maple seed with 7 maple
seedlings that have no place in our yard.  I also 
picked up dead evergreen and bark.


It was time to cut back a couple Clematis due
to the heat fried them last week.  I removed 
several Maple seedlings, and two hand full of 
seeds.  While also cutting back a few other
plants I found another 6 hand full of maple
seeds.  So I cleaned out another area by the
front fence to find yet another 2 hand full of
Maple seeds and 2 maple seedlings.  Currently
up to 2 full 32- gallon bags of Maple Seeds,
Maple branches, bark and evergreen branches.


After spending most of the day cleaning out
the front garden beds I gathered 7 hand full of
maple seeds to add to the bag.  Picked up 
another 2 hand full of died evergreens that 
were in the strawberry bed.  The bed up 
under the tree is almost covered with needles
after having fresh mulch this spring.


While doing the spring cut back I removed
another 7 handfuls of Maple seeds, sticks
and pine cones.  They were found all over
the yard.


Rainy day so a day of rest.


While cleaning out the south beds I gathered
5 hand full of Maple seeds, yep clear across
the yard!!   I also pulled 27 evergreen sprouts
and picked the first strawberries, so not sweet.
To much pine and not enough lime.


Rainy day so a nice day of rest!!  Thank you
Mother Nature for watering today.


Another day of rest!!   It can rain for several
days and I wouldn't complain!!  Don't have
to water.


Lot of wind and so there was a lot of limbs
down.  Also had to pick up Maple seeds and 
limbs from the north.  Finally got the lawn
mowed and it's looking nice.  If it's dry on Wed
than I'll be picking strawberries!!


Just picked up 5 Maple seeds.


I was hoping by now that the Maple
seeds would stop dropping.  I picked up
4 and 6 dried branches with dried out leaves.


Due to the wind I picked up 1/4 of a bucket
of leaves, bark, very little Maple seeds and 
evergreen junk dropping form the dying 


Picked up 4 hand full of junk that blew


Picked up 8 hand full of junk that blew


Had to trim tree limbs to get them off
our fence today besides picked up 4 
handful of junk that blew in.  I'll have
to rake up all the dead evergreen out
of the bed that is under these dying


Just a couple hand full of dead evergreens
and dried up leaves.


Only one hand full today!


Back up to a couple handfuls of dead 
evergreens and leaves.


Today I spent an hour vacing up  Sable's
area and tried to some of the classic car
port areas.  An hour of work, 3/4 bucket
of needles.

Then I took a half hour to clean up up
under the dying evergreen to the north.
I got a half bucket from there!


Evergreen and leaves are still coming 
down, 3 hand full.


Only one hand full today as I don't
deal with the heat and had to water
early.  Bark and evergreen.


Picked up 6 hand full of dead 
evergreen, leaves and bark. 

This evening I found pine needles
all over the place from the trees to
the east.


7 handful of dead evergreen, leaves and
bark.  Vac up 3/4 bucket of fir needles
when I cleaned up Sable's area.


4 handful of dead evergreen, leaves and 
bark.  Clean deck


7 handful of dead evergreen, leaves and 
bark.  Clean deck.


8 handful of dead evergreen, leaves and
bark.  Clean deck.


1/4 bucket of dead evergreen, leaves and 
bark.  Clean deck.


1/3 bucket of dead evergreen, leaves and 
bark.  Clean deck.


The gardens to the north are covered with
needs again.   We cut back the west gardens
due all the needles coming down. 


1/2 half buckets of leaves were picked up
today, one would think it's fall already!

4PM  I went out and picked up 2 more 

7PM went out to mow and  picked up
127 dried up Maple leaves, 16 dried up
maple seeds and 3 pieces of bark.


Picked up 3/4 buckets of leaves!  They are
still coming down.  All of them are dry and
eaten,  there is enough needles to vac up
again but no place to put them.  It's covered!


Picked up 1/2 buckets of leaves, evergreen 
and bark.


Picked up 1/4 buckets of leave, Maple Seeds,
evergreen and bark!

 1/4 bucket of leaves, maple seeds, evergreen 
sprigs and bark.


1/4 bucket of leaves, maple seeds, evergreen
sprigs and bark.


A day of clean up, from cleaning the roofs
on both the house and shed to cleaning out
the gutters.  I picked had a full bucket of needles
from Sable's area. Allen had 3/4 bucket of 
needles, limbs, pine cones, leaves and maple
seeds.  I then vac around the shed and had 1/2 
buckets of needles from the west side and north
side of the shed.  The north beds will have
to be cut back before being cleaned.


Cut back all the flowers in the north bed so that
I can clean up.   I picked up 1/2 buckets of leaves,
needles, limb sprigs, pine cones and maple seeds.
Then decided that the grass was to blue and it needed


More Clean up!  You can read about all 
the clean up in the other post.  So far 
19 1/2 pickle bucket have been removed.


1/3 buckets of leaves, evergreen sprigs, pine 
cones and bark.


1/4 buckets of leaves, evergreen sprigs, pine cones and 


1/4 buckets of evergreen sprigs, just a handful of 
leaves and lots of pine cones.


1/4 buckets of leaves!


1/4 buckets of leaves and 1/3 buckets of evergreen 
sprigs and pine cones.


1/3 buckets of evergreen sprigs, 1/4 buckets of leaves,
pine cones and bark.

The area is needing vacing up again.


I picked up 1/3 bucket of evergreen sprigs, leaves and bark.

Then came to the front area and sweep up over 1/2 
bucket of evergreen needles.  I had to clean out 
planted pots of their needles that were in them.
This add up to 1/4 of a bucket, then I cleaned up
off the driveway and right in front of the curb.

Just in time for PUD driver to flush out the line.

Then this evening I picked up a couple handfuls
of leaves from the north yard.


1/4 bucket, mainly evergreen sprigs and bark.
One hand full of leaves.


1/2 bucket of leaves, evergreen sprigs, limbs,
bark and pine cones.  The area up under the 
dying trees needs to be vaced again!  You can't 
see the mulch.  Photos later.


Today was the day to clean out the north
bed and Sable's area.  It took 2 hours of my
time to clean the two areas.  2 pickle buckets
of needles came off the north bed and 3/4 of
a bucket off Sable's area to the east.  


I have done nothing but clean up the messes
from neighboring trees today.  Pine, fir and 
evergreen all over.    I also picked up lots
of leaves, 1/3 bucket.


Picked up 2 large handfuls of leaves and bark
before mowing and trying to pick up the 
evergreen sprigs that have fallen in the north
yard,  When I emptied the bag I had not much
grass but lots of sprigs.  I had to go over the 
north yard 3 times to get all the sprigs.  Now
I can water!!  The beds below the trees needs
vacing again.


5 hand full of leaves and 1/4 bucket of pine
sprigs and pinecones.


3 hand full of leaves but didn't have time to 
pick up the sprigs.   


2 hand full of leaves, same as above....no time
to pick up sprigs.


4 hand full of leaves and 2 hand full of sprigs and
pine cones.


To hot to do much clean up today but I picked up
1/2 buckets of sprigs, leaves, pine cones.  When I
mowed the bag was more chewed up sprigs than 
grass clippings.  Still to hot to vac up the mulched


Picked up 2 handful of leaves and sprigs.


Picked up 3 handful of leaves and a few sprigs.


Picked up 4 handful of leaves before getting
the bucket to pick up 1/2 bucket of sprigs.  It's 
been windy! 


Just picked up 3 handful of leaves today.


Well today was another clean up day.  I 
took 2 1/2 buckets of evergreen sprigs off
the north fence and 3/4 buckets off the east
property area where Sable goes out to.
There is more but that will wait for another


A day of rest due to the clean up has set off
my allergies!  So much for the rest, I decided
to mow so I hopefully got it all picked up again.


Thank you Lord for the mist,  more rain please!!

Well picked up a couple handful of leaves today 
before pruning some Lavender back for the year.


1/4 bucket of evergreen sprigs, leaves and pine cones.


Another 1/4 bucket of evergreen sprigs, leaves and bark.


1/3 bucket of evergreen sprigs and leaves.


I'm sure there will be a lot to pick up as we had
high winds and could watch it fall all over.

3/4 of a bucket of evergreen sprigs, branches, leaves,
bark and pine coned.  What a mess!!


1/4 bucket of evergreen sprigs, branches, leaves and 
pine cones. 


Just a hand full of leaves today as I had 
hoped to mow but just to hot.


After picking up two hand full of leaves
and evergreen sprigs I was able to mow
and let me tell you there were lots of 
sprigs picked up in the grass catcher.

I was asked by I pick up my yard??

Hope this photo helps you understand why.


Just picked up 2 hand full but there is more.


Today before I could water I picked up 6
hand full of leaves, evergreen sprigs and 
Tonight I picked up another hand full.


Picked up 4 handfuls of leaves, evergreen
sprigs and sticks.  Wind is picking up.


7 hand full of leaves and the ground was
covered with evergreen sprigs, so I opted
to get the mover our to try to pick up the
grassy area.   I took 1/4 of a bucket of 
mulched evergreen sprigs.  I still have to
vac up the flower beds.


Just picked up a hand full of leaves.


3 handful of leaves,  4 pieces of bark,
42 pinecones, and 4 handful of evergreen


1/4 bucket of leaves, bark, pinecones, and 
evergreen sprigs.


Today we decided to start cutting back and
the neighbor to the north has a lot of limbs
hanging over and on the fence.  So we trimmed
a truck load off that area and hopefully soon
I can vac up the area again.  I picked up 1/4 
bucket of leaves, evergreen sprigs, pine cones
and bark.


3 hand full of leaves.


After picking up 4 hand full of leaves it was
time to mow and vac up the area.  I took a 
bucket and a 1/2 off the north fence line,
Plus a 3/4 of a bucket off the south end of 
the east fence area.  I don't do the north end
until it's ready to be repair the fence. 


Just three handfuls of leaves, evergreen sprigs,
and pinecones.


Just picked up leaves today, 5 handfuls.


Just four handfuls of leaves today. Plus it
was time again to clean up the driveway due
to all the fir needles.


7 hand full of leaves, with 2 hand full of 
evergreen sprigs. picked up before I could 


1/4 bucket of leaves, evergreen sprigs, bark
and pinecones.


1/2 bucket of leaves, evergreen sprigs, bark 
and pinecones.  Thank you for the high winds!


4 handful of leaves, evergreen sprigs, bark and 


3 handful of leaves, evergreen sprigs and pine


Mowed today and picked up what was missed
the past few days.  Not much grass but a lot of
leaves, evergreen sprigs and pine cones.


5 handful of leaves due to the winds.


1/4 bucket of leaves, bark, evergreen sprigs,
and pine cones.


4 handful of leaves and 1 bucket of fir needles
when I vac the east property line.   It is so nice
to have the fence fixed and back up!!


3 handful of leaves, bark, evergreen sprigs,
and pine cones


4 handful of leaves.


Day off!


1/2 bucket of leaves, bark, evergreen sprigs,
and pinecones.


5 handful of leaves, bark, evergreen sprigs and


Picked up 6 handful of leaves before mowing and 
the bag was full of evergreen sprigs, more then grass.


4 handful of leaves were picked up today.


10 full hands of leaves picked, blew off the 
roof on both the shed and house.  2 full buckets
were collected out of the gutters from neighboring


3 large handful of leaves and evergreen sprigs.


4 handful of leaves and evergreen sprigs.


4 handful of leaves and when I mowed there was
plenty of evergreen sprigs and not much grass.


Just picked up a couple handful of leaves the 
past couple days due to the rain.   I did have to
pickup limbs from the west, lots of pinecones
once the rain stops as the ground is to wet to 
walk on.  Thank goodness I got the fall fertilizer
down before the rain hit.

Well went out to pick up between showers and 
picked up 3 huge hand full.  The brown needles
are coming down with the rain and the whole 
yard, greenhouses and roofs are covered.  


6 hand full of leaves, bark, pine cones and 
evergreen sprigs.


Took the day off


7 hand full of leaves, bark, pine cones, limbs
and evergreen sprigs.


8 hand full of leaves and then it was time to 
vac up the mess!   1 full pickle bucket of 
evergreen sprigs, pinecones, branches
and bark from the north fence line.
Then I vac up the mess on the east property
line, just the south end where Sable goes
out to and that was another full pickle
bucket of pine needles.


6 hand full of leaves


4 hand full of leaves


Just three hands full of leaves
today, thank goodness the wind
was blowing their way.


Took the day off to deal with allergies
from the  firepit smoke last night.  Plus
I couldn't go out in the rain.


Well it rained again and after my 
shots I went out to pick up.  Three huge
hand full of leaves were awaiting.  
I will have to vac up soon as there
are lots of needles all over.


2 large handful of leaves and I had to 
blow off the deck as it had lots of evergreen
needles on it.


4 hand full of leaves, evergreen, bark and pine


5 hand full of leaves.


clean up day, roofs, gravel, north flower bed and
around the greenhouse.  I took 3 1/2 buckets of 
pine needles off the gravel area.   1/2 bucket out
of the east gutters  1 bucket off the north garden
bed, around the deck and rainbarrels.


5 handful of leaves, evergreen sprigs and bark.


1 handful of leaves


3 hand full of leaves


5 handful of leaves, then mowed and
picked up more than I had grass, lots
of evergreen sprigs.   Dropped the mower
blade to get more this time.


That time of year when the leaves 
start to drop more than the past month.
1 and 1/2  buckets of leaves, evergreen
sprigs, bark, pinecones, small branches,
and this was done 3 times yesterday.


4 hand full of leaves, evergreen sprigs
and bark.  Thank you God, no wind!!


After picking up a couple hands of leaves
I went to the shed roof to vac up the pine
needles as the shed was covered again.
Also when I got done I vac up a few spots
that were covered on the ground between
the shed and new carport.  A full 5 gallon
bucket of pine needles and I just did it a 


1 1/2 bucket of leaves, evergreen sprigs,
bark and pine needles.  With the wind
kicking up I'm sure there will be more
in the morning!!


1 bucket of leaves, evergreen sprigs, 
bark and pine cones.  


Just 2 hand full of leaves, thank goodness
the wind was blowing the other direction.

Blew out the circle, what a mess!!


A great day to stay inside and not pick up
leaves but I had to sweep off the pine 
needles off the greenhouse area.  I have to
do this daily there is so much falling out
of the east trees.  It evens blows across the 
driveway, all over the street and the vehicles
that are parked  in the gravel area.  Just 
depends which direction the wind blows.
As you can see it's important to keep the 
soil sweet and not acidy!


Picked up 4 handful of leaves.


Picked up 5 handful of leaves before I
mowed and still managed to to pick up
several leaves in the bag.


Picked 4 handful of leaves.


Today I picked up 7 handful of 
leaves before getting the blower 
vac out to clean up the south pathways
around the garden.  I took 5 1/2 
buckets of pine needles off the pathway 
Then I vaced up 1,579 leaves and there 
was more coming down with the rain
and wind.   It was just time to stop!!
Right,  I went to the front yard and 
found that the leaves had blown over
the roof.  Another 4 handful of leaves.


Well today was cleanup due to the high
winds of last evening.  I stopped counting at 5,000
with just half the yard cleaned.  I had half of
a yard bag full when I started and ended
up with 2 and 1/2 bags of mulched leaves
by the time I got done.  Then later this 
afternoon I picked up another 3 handful.

Fall is here and let me tell you I love my
blower/vac for picking up leaves!!   Get
used to the noise, because I'm surely going
to use it!!  

Went to the garden beds and the plastic we
put down before he winds and rain hit are
now covered in evergreen needles!


While trying to clean up the back yard I
picked up leaves 4 times and had 3/4
bucket of leaves picked up by the end
of the day.  Didn't get to vac them up
as it was just easier to pick up by hand.
I just have a few hollyhocks to nip back
on the north fence line and then all that
will be left is just the leaf picking up and
again vacing up the pine needles.  Glad
I didn't decide to do them as we are having
a storm blow in.


Raining this am and the weather is to 
be storming and windy.  Will we see
limbs down??    I think it will be a
great day to take off the day.
So much for the day off,  I went out
and picked up 1/4 of a bucket of leaves.


I vaced up Sable's area and took 3 huge
bags off her area alone.  Then another 
back on the west side of the shed.  Then
I vaced up 2 bags of leaves. Plus cleaned
the circle out twice as the winds hit and
all the leaves were down on our end.  No
one cleans up after their trees here.  They
feel once it hits the streets, it's not their


What a day of clean up after the high
winds.  Again today I cleaned up Sable's
area and took another bag and a half.
Another bag off the west side of the 
shed and 2 huge bags of leaves and
I will have to use the hose to the 
deck as the cracks are full of needles.

When it dries out I'll be vacing again
as the needles will just wouldn't all 
come up.   Everything is covered.
More winds on the way.  We are in
for a wild 48 hours!


I took the day off due to the stormy


Another day to take off as I nurse
another sprain.


Another day of cleanup, a grand total
of 3 bags full of leaves, sprigs, pine
cones, evergreen needles and got the
north side of the house and front cleaned.


Just a little light cleaning mainly
leaves.  Sure needing to see the doc
on the hand as it's starting to freeze up


Again time to clean up as it's still
blowing and again I took 3 bags of
of leaves, evergreen needles and it's
still coming down.


More cleanup but no place to put it
recycle bin full, plus I have 6 bags full 
in the garage.  


Needing to ice the knee and stay off it!


Little clean up but still icing the knee.


Picked up the fallen leaves and staying
off the knee again.


Another day of picking up leaves and
trying to make room in the bin for 


Re adjusting the yard debris to all what 
was saved in the over flow can.  Still no 
room for what is picked up.  Thank goodness
they pick up on Thursday.


Spent the full day resting Doc. orders!!  We have
done xrays and ultra sound on the knee.  Looks like
I get to see a specialist!!


Winds and rain again and the yard is a mess!


Another bag of leaves and pine needles were
removed but before the yard was done the 
wind picked up and I had to stop.

Went out after the wind died down and got the
front yard and the street cleaned up.  Who cares
once the leaves hit the street?   Your trees are causing
issues with other neighbors.  I sure don't want your
diseased leaves in my yard.


More cleanup due to the needles are all over
the back yard again.  Enjoy the blower vac as
it's your junk I'm cleaning up!!

3 1/2 hours later 5 bags of needles and leaves
and 1 off the deck alone.  Then the wind 
hits so you know there is more.  Allen is
cleaning the gutters since I can't get on the
roof to clean, so far 3 buckets full, only 
half way done.  He took another 2 off and
said as fast as he cleaned they were still
filling up.


Another day of cleanup before the rain 
hits!!  All I could do is blow the leaves to
the fence before it started to rain.


Another day of blowing the leaves to the
fence as it started to rain before I finished.


Well today was the dry day so I was able
to pick up 2-32 gallon bags of full leaves, 
evergreen sprigs, branches and pine needles.

Then the rain hit and tonight we are to have
high winds.


A day of rest while the storm hits.  The yard
is totally trashed!!


I took another 2--32 gallon of leaves, pine
needles, branches, pine cones and twigs
off the yard.  Besides blowing the leaves
back to where they came from in the 
circle out front.  While out there cleaning
Clark County vehicle drove through.
It just amazes me that folks don't pick
up from what their trees drop.  Let them


Need to take the weekend off


Another day off but did pick up 
in the afternoon.   1 full bag of 


A free day to cleanup, 3 full bags
of pine needles and 2 1/2 bags of 


One full bucket of leaves.


Just picked up the front as
I've got to rest,  1 bucket of leaves.


A day of rest.  Just picked up the 
front and a full bucket of leaves.


Vac up one bag of leaves.


Well today was cleanup day in the
front yard as we cut back trees 
stripped leaves off some trees.  I 
got to cut back a clump of grass
to 1/4th.   Then went out back
and trimmed a shrub and vac
up 2 large bags of leaves.  
Need to start working on the 
west and south yard.


I thought it would be a good day
to sew and stay inside.  Well that 
didn't happen!   The weather stated
high winds and rain, another storm
is coming!!    So I went out and 
picked up the Wisteria leaves in  
(7 pickle buckets full) the front 
that had come down.  Then
headed to the back and did the 
tall Nanas in the northwest corner.
Removed all the leaves and just 
finished when the wind picked up 
and the rain came down sideways!!


Hoping for a nice day as the yard
is trashed again!!

What a mess!!   I ended up taking 
2 full bags of pine needles,  3 bags
of leaves and needle mixture,  6 buckets
of leaves and this is just a small area
of cleanup.  I also was able to cleanup 
the wisteria in the Southwest garden bed
which was a mixture of needles and 
wisteria leaves.   That went into  1& 1/2
32  gallon bag which will be stored until
the bins are emptied next week.  Both
yard debris bins are totally full already.
So now I fill the bags!


Another day of cleanup with 2 bags
of leaves, 2 bags of leaves and needle
mix.   1 bag of needles before picking
up the leaves in the circle.  


A day of rest!!  The poor knee is 
rebelling overnight.  Doc said to 
keep moving as he saw nothing 
wrong with the knee in the Xray.

Went and got a new blower/vac
and cleaned up, a full bag!!


Just picked up a hand full of leaves.


Allen went out and picked up a 
couple hand full of leaves.


I picked up a hand full of leaves.

Another handful of leaves picked
up today.  To cool to be out!!


I picked up 1/2 buckets of leaves on
three trips out to pick up.


Picked up 3 handful of leaves today.


Happy Thanksgiving!!
I picked up a handful of leaves.


Allen went out to pickup a couple
handful of leaves.


I picked up a handful of leaves.


I picked up two handful of leaves 
from the front and back.

DH took 2--5 gallon pickle buckets
of leaves and needles out of the 
gutters today.


Picked up 2 handful.


Another 2 handful picked


Vac up a full bag of leaves
off the front and back yard.
Then cleanup up, up under 
the front Wisterias and 
removed half  a 32 gallon
can of our leaves.


Vac up another half bag of 
leaves off the front and back
of Maple leaves.  It's so nice
to mulch them as they will 
take up less room.


Took a half bag of mulched
leaves off the back yard.


A day of rest, to wet to be
out picking up leaves.


Vac up 3/4 bags off the north 
side of the house.   Finally able
to clean up the south fence line
today and took a full bag in the
front and then another full bag
off the east side of the garden
bed.   I also took a full 32 gallon
garbage can of nana leaves and 
cut down the three clumps of huge
nanas in the back.   


Come on rain!!  A day where I didn't
go out to pickup leaves!!  


Another day of rain!  Picked
up two full handful of leaves.


I took a half bag of shredded 
maple leaves off our yard today!
They are not done yet.


Picked up 2 handful of Maple


Picked up 3 handful of Maple leaves.

12/11/2021 & 12/12/2021

I need to thank my DH for going out
and doing the cleanup this weekend
and allowing me to rest.  
Huge storm hit and again we have
limb damage that fell from the west
trees.  4th time this year we have had
to deal with the limbs coming down and
the second time they have taken out
a section of our fence.   All we can do
at this point is turn it into the insurance

I work so hard to keep our property the 
show place that it is but my neighbors 
don't care what their trees do to our


Between showers I was able to pick up
4 hand full of leaves off the north and 
front yard. 
12/ 14/2021

Picked up two hand full of leaves.


Rain day, no picking up.


Picked up 4 handful of leaves.


Today was a day to sweep off the 
pavers so Sable could go out to her
area.  There area leaves to pickup
but I'm not able to do so at this 
time and this weekend there is 
another storm coming in.  


Picked up one hand full of
Maple leaves.


I picked up on hand full of
maple leaves.


Only picked up around Sable's
area and that was about a hand 


I picked up a full 2 hands full
of leaves in the front yard and
had enough.   Later that day the
sun decided to come out!!    I 
was able to mow with the knee
brace if I took it slow!!   In
the catcher was more leaves
than grass clippings, but it's done
for one last time this  year.  I then
grabbed the vac and picked up more 
leaves in the flower beds.   I took a 
full bag off the north side of the house!
Then went to get the front done, that
was 3/4 bags of leaves that blew in.
Glad that is done for the holidays!

Then went out back and got more
photos of the mess!


I picked up a handful of Maple


Another handful of Maple leaves.


Picked up 2 handful of leaves
from what blew in for the east
in the front yard.  


Took 2--23 gallon garbage cans
of leaves, pine cones, limbs and
pine needles off the west garden


Took the day off due to snow.


Will take today off due to more


Picked up a handful of Maple leaves.


Another handful of Maple leaves
picked up.


Yet another handful of Maple
leaves picked up.  After taking
down the Christmas lights.

You should see all the maple 
leaves in the ice on the garden

We have yet to clean up the 
west garden bed,  I can't help
and it's really wet after the 
snow from the past week.

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