Saturday, May 28, 2022

5 Week Out From Surgery!

 I was asked for an update.  Last Tuesday's
PT appointment I was told I was back into
the normal range in the knee.  But I'm not 
normal!!   Normal folks have a range of 
123 to 135 if I remember the conversation
right but there are some of us in the 145 
to 150 range!!   So that makes sense of 
what the knee surgeon stated when I was
sent to the knee replacement one.   "Just
sprained or it was my back, but I have
great range in my knees."  Nope the
MRI proved that it was something else.   
Tuesday I hit the normal range!!  
Considering I missed last week's PT
appointment I went up 20% by 
doing my exercises!!

I am still dealing with the stairs which
I'm having problems with height.  
Walking downhill is still an issue,
I tend to walk sideways not straight

Today I was able to walk both levels
of the mall without stopping to rest.
I maybe slower but I got it done!!

It's still elevate, ice and massage with
heat.  Don't over do it is another issue
so I have learned to do about an hour
outside and then it's at least 1/2 hour 
inside resting.

I was told this may take 6 month to a 
year but if you know me I'm pushing
the limits of recovery!!   Just keep 

Thanks for asking.


PT today and my right knee was at 
150 range and the left knee is at 148!
But still having issues going up the
steps with the right knee.  So it will
be a few more PT sessions.  Got
to remember not to over do it!!
Ice, elevate and massage!!


6 weeks out..........
Happy to say no pain in the
last 48 hours!!  Been working
on the steps!!


7 weeks out now and I have been
working on the steps that we have.
I have this week off from PT but 
go back next week.  I sure hope
I have made lots of improvements
that we can cancel the last appt.


8 weeks out now and still doing 
PT.  No pain unless I do some 
overdoing it.  Still icing, elevating
and working on steps.   It has paid
off, today during PT I got to do 
one flight of steps twice!  But she
noticed that my form is off some
and still having issues with the 
quads and upper leg muscle that
spasmed.  So hopefully Monday's 
PT will be the last if I keep working
on loosing up some muscles.  We
hope to correct the bad habits.  She
is really impressed at how hard I have
worked to correct the bad habits this
past week!!  To walk up the stairs is
a great move for pain!!


9 weeks out and there was a set back
due to pain and we feel to much in 
going down the stairs.  I could hardly
move on Monday's PT.  So I'm back 
to just stretching exercises and no 
stairs.   On Tuesday when I was in 
line at the PO to mail a package I 
thought I'd do some of my stretching
exercises while in line.  On the third
one the knee let out a large pop!  Folks
were asking if I was okay.  All I could
do is tell them I had knee surgery a 
few weeks ago and the pop was a 
release of the pain.  It was nice again
to be able to walk without pain.
So today when I got my allergy
shot I took the elevator even though
those steps were calling my name.
Save the knee.......One more PT session
set for the end of the month.  


Now 13 weeks out and still going
to PT, there are some issues with the
knee popping.  I'm up to 10 lbs doing
my exercises.  Can do flat stairs and 
no squats.  A week ago I went for 
a mile walk and it was to much.  


The last PT session was today and I
know I still have a ways to go after 
the knee popped yet again.   I think 
we found the reason why!!  I have
some new exercises to see if they 
stop the popping.   I had some errands
to run and stopped to get my hair trimmed.
By the time I got home I needed to water
and finish cleaning the house.  It wasn't
until later when I couldn't move did I 
taken time to ice!!  I iced for over an 
hour, back and front of the knee and my
back!!   I ended up taking Tylenol to help
with the pain.  Sat. the pain was the same so
again took Tylenol and rested what I could.
I just couldn't get over all the popping the
knee was doing!!   Hoping for less pain 
on Sunday!!  Three month out and I know 
I shouldn't be rushing this.  I'm back to 
normal in my knee range and just have the
one issue.

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