Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Felida Area Residents!

 As a Community Activist I have been
watching the area growth since the 1990s
and posted on the Columbia FB page 
that I found out over a year ago the FNA
became in active!  Signs were left up and
not a word from the FNA to the area 

I get the county's neighborhood posting of
developments for the whole county and I 
started seeing that they were unassigned
so I asked why.  I was told the FNA was
inactive!   Yesterday's email I found out
that there is now a Felida area.  Again why
if they are inactive.  It appears there is a 
group that would like to start up the FNA
again.  Boy you would enjoy the emails
that went back and forth yesterday.

There has not been a formal Clark County
Council stating their is a FNA.  No meeting
nore have their been boundaries or bylaws.

There is a set meeting for June 13 but 
no place is set.  Watch for the postal 
cards the Neighborhood Coordinator
 states will be coming out.

Under the last FNA group we saw 
rapid growth and when they got 
what they pushed through, they
then allow the FNA to go inactive.  

If you don't know the history of the 
FNA one needs to look at how 
certain folks have used it to push 
their agendas.   They have not 
keep the area residents informed
and cut deals!  More can be stated
about the deals that were cut, to 
put their people in place.

Neighborhood Associations can 
only speak for those that attend 
their meetings not for the whole 
area residents, so use your voices!

The Felida Neighborhood Association 
was formed over 50 years ago and 
was the first Clark County Neighborhood!  
They formed due to the road issues 
and today with all the development 
here roads are still an issue with 
the density deemed upon the whole 

Roadways are failing in Felida and
have been failing since the 1990.  
The then FNA had a road plan that 
the county didn't abide by and Yes 
it was filed with the county courts!
The last FNA cut a deal with the 
County for park benches.  The money
collected for the roadway improvements 
was spent on NW 119 Street to bring 
north county's sewer to the treatment plant!  
The development continues and roadways 
are a mess. 

Stormwater is another issue that hasn't been
address under the last FNA.  Clark County
tied stormwater into a system owned by
a Homeowner Association without telling

There is a lot of History out here and 
residents are not being taken care of!
If you to go East County you will see
what I'm talking about.

Felida Neighborhood Association was
once named the strongest neighborhood
in Clark County.  What happened??

It is time to speak out!


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