Monday, May 20, 2024

Hey There!

I am Home!!        



For those of you that care:
Take Good Care of your body.


Starting to feel more human here after
a total knee replacement!  Just dealing 
with swelling and bruising.  Doing well
with PT and able to use the walker!
Walking is more stable without a limp!
Working on using muscles and trying to 
regain my range of motion.  Still spending 
much of my day with the feet in the air with
ice pack every 20 minutes, rotate and ice some
more!  Wear those compression socks!!

Ya know it's nice to see the garden bloom without


A step back as I have pulled a muscle in the back of
my beautiful blacken-swollen leg, so back to limping.
More ice!!

Ya know each person is different and it's just finding the
right key to manage the pain and swelling.  It's nice to be 
pain free!!


At PT this morning I found out I pull the ham strings in the
leg they did surgery on.  No wonder it was hurting.  Common
and it's time to shift exercises for a while.  The good news is
I'm still on track and the numbers look good.  Ice and be good!
I am allowed to go into the garden.  They would rather me sit in
a chair but you and I know this isn't going to happen!  I dead head
a full pickle bucket of rose petals before turning on the sprinklers.
The male cones from the pine trees are all over the place!  All I can 
do is send them back!!


Still have the feet in the air and resting when I can, I have been 
napping several times a day!  I don't do that normally!


What a morning!!  We left early to get a couple xrays for my 
Wed. appt.  I emailed my team leader and let her know, she 
advised me to go to the second floor to check in.  When we
got there they advised us to go to Urgency on the first floor.
So we did to find out their machine was down, we needed
to go to the first building!  We walked over there, checked in
and then went to the room.  We waited, 10 minutes before PT
we talked to the gal at the desk.  We weren't check in like the 
first stop said.  So we went back to building 2 for my appt. with
PT.  Day 15 and I'm still only supposed to get 300 steps in!
I was smart to grab the ice before we left.  I love my 
Physical Therapist!!  She throws a lot at me and I really
give it my all!!  Again just 15 day from surgery and I can
straighten my leg to -0-!!  My flex is currently at 104 today!
Not bad!!   Also today I graduated from the walker to the 
cane!!   My goal is to get back to my normal range of 137
for flex which is what it was prior to surgery.  I was told
if I was lucky 120 to 130.    Today was a great day!!  The 
xrays look awesome but I'll find out later.   Soon is Post Op
and the bandaids come off!!   I then got home to find a
voice message from my team leader.   I caller her back and
got to talk to my favorite new friend!!  What a very special
man!  His advice was priceless.  There are so many folks
there at Vancouver Clinic in Salmon Creek that have come
very special with this journey!  I am so blessed to have an
excellent team of Doctors! 


Today the last of the butterfly bandaids fell off.  Oh my!!
I missed last Friday's PT due to my ham strings popped up
again and I forgot the change in appt.  I missed seeing 
Perry, one of the other favorite PT.  I spent my day
Icing and testing the tens unit.  The more I'm on my
feet the more it swells.  Wear those compression
socks!!  Pulling a ham string is so much fun, they
are the boss until they calm down.


I finally got the swelling down and the
ham string areas are tender to touch but
the leg is looking better.  I have a couple
more bruising areas!  At least the leg didn't
really bruise as bad as some folks say theirs
did.   You don't want to get blood clots!!


Today I wore my new compression socks
that go above the knees to protect the knee.
PT felt great to move muscles!  I got to 
take the bike for a spin, we worked on 
steps and I now can go up stairs but 
I can't go downward.  It was nice to up
to the second floor to drop off my box.
Knee is still straight -0- and flex is up
to 115!!   20 to go!  New exercised were
given to me.


I stand corrected here!   Before surgery
the left knee was at 140 and the right knee
at 130!   Today's right knee was at 117 and
still dealing with those ham strings!  I got
to go up a full flight of stairs and then down
with half just right knee first then the last
half I switched feet!  Good form and only
hit the toe on the right foot twice!  I then 
did the side steps both ways.  I tried the 
one foot after another and well my balance
needs some work or I'd be hauled in for 
not being sober!  Practice!!  We then worked
on the ham strings, and the top muscle of
the leg that moves the knee cap up and down.
I love their tens unit and today's workout was
a little hard.  A new set of exercises were given,
I can no longer use the can in the house, only outside.
I can practice driving this weekend!!   My PT said I
should be back to normal in no time!!  She is the best!!


I drove this morning to PT and it felt good!  What 
a great morning!!  PT put me though some new things
and I did great!  I even got to take the stairs twice, with-
out issues.  The knee is feeling much better and I have
a cool knee twice.  Still Icing but wow, that a difference.
Matter of fact I reached 123 flexing today just two days
short of 1 month since surgery!!  Yea!!!


Day 31 after surgery, no walker or cane.  Am able to 
drive myself to PT now.  Need to work on the knee
now, seeing if I can put a little weight on it.  Today's
flex was 127, just 3 more to go! Then I'll be the same
prior to surgery.  A good day to stay inside and Ice with 
the temps in the 90s.  It was a great day at PT!!


Day 35, What a great day at PT!!  Good 5 minutes on the 
bike, then to strengthen the legs - 105 with both legs 
then 75 with just the right leg.  I was doing good until 
the ham sting acted up.  Ouch!!  But we worked though
it and did some band pulls.  To calm the ham string down
PT did some scraping.  It sure calmed down.  Then to
measuring, still at -0- for straight, the flex went to 
130!  This is what it was pre-surgery!   Now to keep
doing the exercises to keep it there.  Last was the tens
unit and kicking the leg.   Just three more appts. left.

But we noticed some swelling so back to the compression
socks for half a day due to the heat. 

Was my eye doctor's visit!  You see I am to see
them every 6 month due to my AMD.  But when 
I called the office to check when my next appt.
would be I found out they thought I was on the 
yearly visit, nope every 6 months and Aug. was
my last visit.  Yep, life happens!
The doctor there decided since I was over my 6 
months that they would do a full eye exam!  First
was the farm house machine, he asked if I smoke
but nope only second hand smoke from my neighbor's
fire pit or BBQ then back to the exam room. 
 Next is can you read the letters, let see how
far down on the chart you can go.  Then came my
favorite, eye drops.....3 of them each eye!  Wait 
for them to work.   Then comes all the lights and shapes.
The cateract is now at 60% so those need to be
removed sooner than later. You want to talk about a 
headache!!  Then to the AMD machine to measure 
and take photos of the eyeball which I got to 
see what they were talking about.  Since my AMD
 is dry, we need to keep ahead of this.  Once it goes 
into wet that means shots in the eyes.  Last visit
they noted waves in one area but this time they
call the one area a larger bump.  So it's off to
a Specialist.

Smoke isn't good for your health!


I got a phone call from one of the Team leaders
and I learned that this would be the last weekly
phone call.  I would be getting one in a couple
weeks and then one more a couple weeks later.
I graduated today!  They have been there for me
during the knee replacement.  I have really enjoyed
their advice and helping me get back on my feet!
Bless them all!!

PT was this afternoon with a back up PT staffer
since the one gal canceled.  It was great to see 
this staffer again! We did the bike first and I 
breezed through the 5 minutes.  Then the leg 
press, love theirs as you lay down flat to do this.  
Then we did some squats and that was easy and then
we measured the flex!  Last was the tens unit, 
no strap on the bed but I had to push while the 
staffer pushed back.  Then I was free to go!

After PT was over I headed to the mall to order
the new glasses, all three pairs!  More on this later
when they arrive.  Another appointment was made
to see a specialist.

7/2/ 2024

Another great day at PT and again my numbers
are 0/130.  My PT stated she officially would 
release me but I have one more session on Friday.
I planned on bring donuts to that one.  So I'm
going to just go and bring donuts.  I reached my
goal of what I was pre surgery!

Met with the post op folks and let me tell you
again I was released!  I wasn't happy when I
read the comments that were put in my file.
I worked really hard to get my numbers to 
what they were pre-surgery not the number
I was told of 120.  If my goal was 120 then
I should of been released weeks ago.  I totally
wanted to get better and know we all are 
different, surgery to improve life is important!
 There is the appearance someone didn't read
the PT notes or listen to the answer to their
question, What are your numbers.... 0 / 130!

Ya want to know why my Blood Pressure was
so high?

Then I went to the front desk to get the left
knee taken care of.  July 31, we put that 
in motion.  It takes a while to get all the 
tests completed before surgery.

Today was PT and I was told I didn't need
to come today but my plan was to treat them
all to donuts!  What a great group of folks that
really want to see folks improve their lives after
surgery.  They work hard to help you!!  I truly
thank them for their hard work.

Done finished and know what I need to do to
keep hitting the mark back to full health.

The left knee came in at 0 / 140!  So this will 
be fun to see how this goes, as I start the next
knee before I start falling again.  Bio Freeze is
my best friend.


Two months out from surgery and let me
tell you it has been well worth the journey!   
Still dealing with the ham string issue and 
it will bring you to your knees when one 
does something it doesn't like,  Still doing
my exercises to strengthen the knee.  I have 
started also doing the exercises with the 
left knee, just trying to get ahead of the 
next surgery.  

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