Sunday, May 16, 2021


 I have been asked about doing Clematis and
for the last couple weeks I have been working
with a couple Clematis that I have picked up.

I won't say where I got them but they were in
2" pots and not something I would purchased
but knew it would be a long while to see them
take off.   After looking them both over I knew
that I wanted to test one in full sun and picked 
the best one to try.   Shortly after putting it out
it fried.  But the root system was strong.  

This has been out in the yard for two 
weeks and it's just one stem and looking
not to good.....Hence do not just stick 
them out into the world at this size.

The other was already looking bad so I cleaned
it up the best I knew and stuck it in the greenhouse.

This is just 2 weeks worth of growth.  It's
really looking nice.  

I decided while they both were to small 
it was best to keep them in the greenhouse 
and give them special care.

When I purchase these two I also got
one in a one gallon.   It was a nice looking
one about 2 foot tall.  Since I noticed that
this one wasn't root bound it still needed
some special care.  I left it in the same pot
only sinking it into a 4 gallon pot with a
larger trellis.  

I also picked up 2 - 4 inch potted ones
that were root bound and you could tell
they were ready for their gallon pot.

When the roots come out of the 
bottom then we will then bump them
up into 2 to 3 gallon pots.  

We slowly bump them up.  We have 
learned from our growing brugs, these
need to be root bound before they 
take off.  We don't put anything less
then five years old into the ground.

A fellow clematis grower recommended
to sink the whole plant in water then
put it in the fridge for a day or so before
planting.  Interesting!!   Will have to 
try this is I get anymore small plants.

It's not about how many plants, it's how
well you can grow them! 


The very first Clematis that is on this post
was taken out of the greenhouse a couple
weeks ago and put in a larger pot.   I left 
the clematis in it's original pot only sunk
it in a larger pot for the outside.  To my 
surprise today it bloomed and there are 
four other buds.  

I use deer netting for support.

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