Sunday, September 24, 2023

The Brugmansia House

 Today was the day set aside to work
on the Brugmansia House, which means
removing the plastic that was starting to 
break down.  I double layer the plastic due
to this very reason.  After emptying what
was hanging on the walls it was time to 
start the process of dismantling.   But first
I needed to remove the hornets nest!!

Off came the roof!!

One thing I do is reuse what plastic I can.
This year I need to line the bottoms of the 
rainbarrel saucers.  Since we have some 
huge pots that come in handy as they don't
make saucers for those for the whiskey barrels

Then the rain hit!  Wind followed and the pine
needles dropped.  Rain delay!!

The tarp you see on the greenhouse was shredded
and so that had to be removed after the winds we
had of 25 to 35 mph.  The wind took out the south
or front of the Brug House.  Thank goodness the
plastic arrived early!!


Today was my day to remove the old
plastic and start the process of putting
up the new!

Above is just 3 walls worth of plastic.

Here is the frame we cover, I had to add a couple
more support PVC to the roof area this year.  We 
are looking at a different light for the Brug House
this year.

The 6 mil clear plastic is going up this year.

With the plastic cut and put around the base of the 
frame, tomorrow will be put up the walls day!
Then I can put the shelves and plants back on them.
Putting the Rain Barrel in place and move the PVC 
shelf.  This year I will be putting the Rain Barrel in 
the SW corner to make it easier to fill.

As the temps turn cooler the Brugmansia will be
going into their Winter home. 

Before the Plastic goes up, there was the cleanup
of the area around the Brug House.  This area was
cleaned out just a few weeks ago.  Yes, you can't 
see the gravel!

The above is the gravel area to the east of the 
greenhouse, which is Sable's area to potty.

Under the plastic is the Eppie Cactus that
came out of the Brug House.  I don't feel
like cleaning them all out.

Today was the day to get the Brug House
up and completed, well all except the door.
That will be done in the morning as I just
ran out of daylight.

Time to fill up the space!

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