Tuesday, August 10, 2021

It's Back

 Need I say more?   On freshly graded soil
 as I watch their contractor grade it today 
while working outside with my trees.

Second night in a roll.

The bus didn't leave until 10:26 am today.

My bet is the bus will return this evening due
the male just came in and parked on the street.
So predictable. 

Yep, third night now with the bus!  Half on 
the dirt the other half on the driveway.  
Why is this ranch operating in this heat and

Husband came in tonight and asked how my
day was?   I text him when the contractor had
his outburst so he knew part of it.  He said all
the vehicles were in the driveway!   I just sort
of predicted their behavior!  

I truly want to thank them for pulling their 
crap and coming in here and reading my 
blog......the counts are sky high!!  

Love how they take care of the bus!!  Leaving
the door open all night!!

Left this am a little after 7:00am.

Noted CC Code Enforcement driving
through the circle.  Roadway still 


Sunday night, we both are expecting 
it to return.

For those of you reading this back post.
There were issues with the landscaping done
by this farmer who didn't have permits to 
move or bring in soil.  Yes, we saw the bus
and vehicles parked into the new areas get
stuck and sink due to how the land was 
moved.  We also watch before painting the 
fact that the siding had to be removed due
to water damage due to the Leaf Guard gutters.
Know for a fact that they were installed wrong!
Leaf Guard was sent out to our home due to
gutters were leaking and went to the above 
address.  It was admitted to us when we called
due to they didn't show up that there was issues.
The next day Leaf Guard was out to inspect our
and had to be re-installed in 12 different places.
We still had issues and leaks.  We had ours removed
and different gutters when they again leaked.

This farmer also installed a sprinkler system right
in the middle of the yard not around the edge of 
the landscape!  Ya get what ya pay for!!   At least
the toilets are gone!

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