Sunday, August 4, 2024

A Friend's Request!

 They have seen the photos on
 my FB page and asked if I would
take some time and post the awesome
ones here.  I don't leave anything on
my FB page, so they thought it would
be nice to just put up some of the photos
here on the blog.  So I have 6 months of
photos to go through to fine the best of 
the best, in my spare time.  Will post as
I go through each folder for this year.

Will post some when I have time.

Elephant Garlic

Perennial Hibiscus 'Luna Red' bud.

 Siberian Iris

Hymenecallis testalis
Peruvian Lily / Spider Lily

Pink Sedum

Double Pink Hollyhock

Blue Sea Holly

Brugmasia kHT's Pink

Clematis "Crispa"

I. 'Starship Enterprise'

A. 'Red Tiger'

A. 'Julia'

B. karma's Pink

A. one of our crosses

H. Texas Star Alba

Rose of Sharon variegated!  From one
of our shrubs.

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