Thursday, August 1, 2024

August, 2024--Cleaning up

  8/1/2024 was clean up for Sable's area.
I took a full bag of mulched up evergreen
junk off her gravel area.  Yes, the male cones
are still coming down!

8/6/2024  again I was out cleaning up Sable's
area and vac up another bag of evergreen junk
from this area.

Then I decided it was time to clean out the
north beds where the north evergreen were 
dropping and covering the garden beds below
due to the trees are dying.  I vac up 4 full bags
off this area to be able to see the mulch not
the pin junk.  Can you see the mulch??


I vac up 2 full bags from the front gravel 
parking space where DH parks his truck.
Then I picked up 4 full bags off Sable's area
behind the gate. 


Today I just blew off the walkway and the
gravel area which is Sable's area.  Then I
blew off the driveway and finished cleaning
by doing so with the hose to remove the
chips that was missed.  I got a phone call
from the team nurse to check up on me.  
After explaining I over did it yesterday
I was told I'm still in the recovery mode
and needed to take the day off!  Not in 
my world when I deal with males that
don't care.  They don't know how to clean!


I vac up 9 full bags of pine wood chips
today after they took the trunks down.
I also blew off both roofs due to chips
up on them.  I had to wash off the plants
several times to get them clean.  I also 
blew out the circle again due to the 
tree folks didn't clean up!  So now you
know why I don't allow folks to cleanup!
They don't know how to clean up!!

It took me 3 and a half hours to clean up 
the mess that took them 4 hours to make
Yes, the trunks are still in their yard. 
Once the wind come through this week
end I'll go back out and clean again.  I 
have one happy dog, she has her space


We decided to take the Heavenly
Bamboo out as their bases were covered
with pine chips, pine cones and needles.
I then got to clean up the whole area and
wash down the fence!  It's so bare out
there even Sable was shocked.  She had
to check it all out.  More space for her!

That was a $9.00 run to H&H to get 
rid of it due to the bins were full.  I
vac up another 2 bags!

Our Allergies are terrible!

This next week we will tackle what
is between the carport and the fence
plus what is between the shed/Brug
House and carport.


Yesterday we tackled the carport area!
We took 45 gallons of pine stuff off 
this area and I was able to clean the fence
before the new carport went up. We
had a foot of this all along the fence.
We also found a branch that went in 
one spot and came out another on the
carport.  DH is working on a letter with
photos to show the damage for the Tree
Remover, he wants damages paid due to
they were told about the carport and the
classic car under it.  I'm ready to go to the 
BBB and their corporate office due to the
run around we are getting.  The first gal
was caught in so many lies!  Then she 
demanded we meet when we both had
doctors appt..  she was told this but
still showed up and DH is handling this.

Last day of the month and I'm still watching
the north trees dump in our yard!  Maybe
I'll get to cleaning up this area on Sunday
when the weather isn't so hot, maybe not??

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